美国文学(中国矿业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Quiz

1、 Benjamin Franklin is not a regular writer in the sense that he_____.

答案: wrote hisAutobiographywhich started a tradition

2、 Benjamin Franklin was an unlikely person to become a celebrity mostly because_____.

答案: of the shabby family situation

3、 It is said that Benjamin Franklin was born again at 17 as he_____.

答案: ran away to Philadelphia to make his home there

4、 Herman Melville referred to Benjamin Franklin as “Jack of all trades” to mean that_____.

答案: he was versatile and successful

5、 By “Benjamin Franklin was a man of his age”, it is meant that he_____.

答案: made the best out of the age he lived in

6、 It is suggested that Americans, with the influence of Enlightenment, learned to be_____.

答案: assertive

7、 By “Franklin…had no patience with the Calvinistic attitude that earth was a vale of tears and suffering”, it is meant that his view of life is_____.

答案: hopeful

8、 With the inspiration of Franklin, what is supposed to be the work ethic of Americans

答案: Success through work

9、 “He marked a historical shift in emphasis from Providence to the individual, from the afterlife to this life.” refers to the shift of focus_____.

答案: from God to Man

10、 Benjamin Franklin had a(n)_____role in public life.

答案: active

11、 As a balance for being criticized by some as being too much a practical man, Franklin also believed in_____.

答案: doing good

12、 “Franklin’s image is that of a self-made man” means that he_____.

答案: worked independently

13、 The phrase “from rags to riches” stands for_____.

答案: upward movement

14、 Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac was originally a_____.

答案: farming calendar

15、 The proverb “Fish and visitors stink in three days” means_____.

答案: a long stay with friends is unwelcome

16、 It is said that The Autobiography is first of all a Puritan document because_____.

答案: it was a record of self-examination

17、 The writing style of The Autobiography is_____.

答案: simple and direct

18、 Benjamin Franklin was all but_____.

答案: a dreamer

19、 Nathaniel Hawthorne’s criticism of Franklin’s axioms is that they are____.

答案: too materialistic

20、 D.H. Lawrence’s criticism of Franklin’s idea of man’s perfectibility expresses his_____about human nature.

答案: doubt


Unit 2 Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson Quiz

1、 When was Ralph Waldo Emersonborn

答案: May 25, 1803

2、 Where was Ralph Waldo Emerson born

答案: Boston

3、 Which of the following statements is not true

答案: Emerson was a dramatist.

4、 Which school did Ralph Waldo Emerson attend

答案: Boston Public Latin School

5、 What caused the death of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first wife Ellen Louisa Tucker

答案: Tuberculosis

6、 Which magazine did Ralph Waldo Emerson edit

答案: The Dial

7、 Which of the following works is not written by Emerson

答案: Walden

8、 Ralph Waldo Emerson’s__ is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”.

答案: The American Scholar

9、 Ralph Waldo Emerson was popularly acknowledged the spokesman of____.

答案: Transcendentalism

10、 The unofficial manifesto for the Transcendental Club was____.

答案: Nature

11、 Transcendentalism thrived during the late 1830s to the 1840s in the US and originated with a group of thinkers in____.

答案: New England

12、 In Emerson’s transcendentalism,______is the supreme source of truth.

答案: the individual

13、 Emerson’s guidelines for the practice of self-reflection can be summed up in his famous saying: “___: every heart vibrates to that iron string.”

答案: Trust thyself

14、 In Emerson’s transcendentalist view, which of the following statements is not true

答案: Being able to hear God’s voice is what makes a person great.

15、 According to Emerson, a true, self-reliant man is worthy of respect simply because of____.

答案: his character

16、 Emerson rejects the pure practice of___ ideals by the individual.

答案: Enlightenment

17、 Emerson and other transcendentalists believed that___ is the ultimate source of truth about the self, God, and existence.

答案: nature

18、 Emerson states that the individual“cannot be happy and strong until he too lives with nature in____, above time.”

答案: the present

19、 Emerson sees__ as perfect examples of human nature in touch with itself.

答案: babies and children

20、 According to Emerson’s ideas, which of the following statements is not true

答案: Every man can violate his nature.


Unit 3 Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne Quiz


1、 Where was Hawthorne born

答案: Salem Massachusetts

2、 When was Hawthorne born

答案: Independence Day, 1804.

3、 What event did Hawthorne’s ancestors partake in to create a strong hatred towards Puritans

答案: Salem Witch Trials

4、 Why did Hawthorne change the spelling of his family name from “Hathorne” to “Hawthorne”

答案: He wanted to distance from his ancestors.

5、 Why did Hawthorne lose his job in the customhouse

答案: A new customhouse president, who is a different party than him, is elected.

6、 was one of the first mass-produced novels in America and became an instant best seller, selling over 2,500 copies in the first two weeks. Hawthorne, therefore, became famous and financially independent.

答案: The Scarlet Letter

7、 Which of the following is not a work of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s

答案: The Sketch Book

8、 Which of the following statement about Dark Romantism is not true

答案: Society, including organized religion, was killing the individual’s pure soul.

9、 Hawthorne once joined a transcendentalist utopian society Brook Farm. What could not be the possible reason for that?

答案: He deeply believed in transcendentalism for life.

10、 Which of the following statements about The Blithedale Romance is not true

答案: People and nature were inherently good, if they were being self-reliant and if each person was true to himself / herself.

11、 Hawthorne published his first novelFanshawe in 1828 anonymously, namely without giving his name. What kind of personality does it reflect

答案: Shyness.

12、 In what century is the story of The Scarlet Letter set

答案: The seventeenth century.

13、 In order to find the true lover of Hester, Chillingworth pretend to be_

答案: a doctor

14、 What statements about Hawthorne’s writing of The Scarlet Letter is not true

答案: He focused on the sinning part of the story.

15、 __ is not one of Hester’s qualities in The Scarlet Letter

答案: Violence

16、 Contrast to Arthur Dimmesdale, Hester Prynne’s response to the scarlet letter A is a _____one. For example, she does her best to reestablish her fellowship with her neighbors on a new, honest basis.

答案: positive

17、 The scarlet letter “A” is meant to be a symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbol of identity to Hester later. In the novel, “A” may stand for_.

答案: All the above.

18、 Who leaves Pearl money at the end of The Scarlet Letter

答案: Hester’s husband.

19、 Why does Hester Prynne return to Salem at the end of The Scarlet Letter

答案: She wants to continue her penitence.

20、 Which of the following statements about The Scarlet Letter is NOT true

答案: It explores man’s never-ending search for the satisfaction of materialistic desires.

21、 When was Hawthorne born

答案: Independence Day, 1804.


Unit 4 Herman Melville Herman Melville Quiz

1、 By “one of the most disgraceful episodes of critical stupidity” Annette T. Rubinstein means that Herman Melville as a writer was all but_____.

答案: overestimated

2、 It is suggested that, to better appreciate Herman Melville, it is necessary to know about his_____.

答案: life

3、 Herman Melville was originally born in a family of_____.

答案: substance

4、 On his first journey to Liverpool, England, Melville was deeply impressed by_____.

答案: the human suffering in the slums

5、 What seems to be Melville’s major experience before his marriage

答案: Sailing

6、 According to Melville, his schooling consisted mostly of_____.

答案: sailing and reading

7、 Melville initially enjoyed some success as_____.

答案: a writer of sea adventures

8、 Described as “close to being the American epic”, it is suggested that Moby Dick is_____.

答案: a grand and significant story

9、 Before going to the sea, Ishmael, the first-person narrator of the story, was all but_____.

答案: joyful

10、 The prime goal of Ahab, the captain, is_____.

答案: revenge

11、 The only survivor of the whaler is_____.

答案: Ishmael

12、 Most of the initial critical comments of Moby Dick were_____.

答案: negative

13、 The central theme of the novel Moby Dick is_____.

答案: Captain Ahab’s belief in human dignity

14、 Generally speaking, Moby Dick as a literary masterpiece_____.

答案: took long to be recognized

15、 Melville’s writing of Moby Dick involved all the following except_____.

答案: his interest in whaling industry

16、 The description of Captain Ahab as “ungodly, God-like man” denotes him as a man of_____.

答案: both disrespect and dignity

17、 Moby Dick the white whale in the novel stands for_____.

答案: the multifaceted nature

18、 It is suggested that Captain Ahab borders on_____.

答案: both madness and humanity

19、 By “Emerson had no inkling of any possible conflict between individualism and freedom”, it is meant that Emerson_____.

答案: did not see any possible conflict

20、 By “a fearful symbol of the self-enclosed individualism” it is meant to refer to the potentially dangerous_____.

答案: unbounded individualism


Unit 5 Henry David Thoreau Henry David Thoreau Quiz

1、 Henry David Thoreau was born in_______. Though tiny, it was the center of an exciting intellectual world—transcendentalism.

答案: Concord, Massachusetts

2、 The poverty of his family did not prevent him from getting a good education and a good start in the classics at the local academy. Henry David Thoreau attended:

答案: Harvard University

3、 ______, a close friend of Thoreau, acted as a mentor to Thoreau and supported him in many ways.

答案: Ralph Waldo Emerson

4、 Thoreau was a transcendentalist. What notion is not central to Transcendentalism

答案: The importance of travel

5、 Thoreau’s occupation was:

答案: all of these and others

6、 Being a devoted abolitionist until the end of his life made Thoreau’s life stimulating and compelling. Which of the following statements is not true about Thoreau as an abolitionist

答案: He wrote many books about how helpful and necessary slavery is.

7、 In 1846 Thoreau was imprisoned for what crime

答案: Failure to pay poll tax

8、 Thoreau’s being imprisoned for a night inspired him to write his best-known and most influential essays_____

答案: Civil Disobedience

9、 Thoreau would agree with______

答案: Each individual needs to learn through experience.

10、 How long did Thoreau live in the woods of Walden Pond

答案: Two years and two months.

11、 On what day did Thoreau move into his cabin

答案: Independence Day

12、 What crop did Thoreau cultivate at his cabin

答案: beans

13、 There are many recurring themes in Walden. Which is not the theme of Walden

答案: How to farm.

14、 The intentions of Thoreau’s moving to the wood are of the followings EXCEPT_____

答案: He was in great poverty and needs a place to live.

15、 How did Thoreau make money during his time near Walden pond

答案: By farming a bean field

16、 What’s Thoreau’s idea about loneliness

答案: He didn’t feel lonely living in the wood.

17、 Thoreau’s opinion of the railroad was all but___

答案: The railroad brings people a lot of convenience.

18、 As a transcendentalist, Henry David Thoreau was not interested in travel. Which is not the reason for it

答案: He felt that traveling was too expensive.

19、 Thoreau was probably one of the first

答案: Environmentalists

20、 While other writers from his time have faded into obscurity, Thoreau has endured for all these reasons but___.

答案: His major work, Walden, is a transcendentalist work.


Unit 6 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Quiz

1、 When wasHenry Wadsworth Longfellowborn

答案: February 27, 1807

2、 On November 17, 1820, Longfellow printed his first poem___.

答案: The Battle of Lovell’s Pond

3、 In the fall of 1822, Longfellow enrolled at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. There, Longfellow met_____ who would later become his lifelong friend.

答案: Nathaniel Hawthorne

4、 In his senior year at Bowdoin College, Longfellow wrote to his father about his aspirations for _____.

答案: Literature

5、 In Madrid, Longfellow spent time with_______ and was particularly impressed by the author’s work ethic.

答案: Washington Irving

6、 Longfellow’s poem “Footsteps of Angels” was written about___.

答案: His wife

7、 When he returned to the United States in 1836, Longfellow took up the professorship at_.

答案: Harvard

8、 Who is not a member of the Five of Clubs

答案: Washing Irving

9、 Which of the following works is not written by Longfellow

答案: Nature

10、 Longfellow published a play in 1842,_______, reflecting his memories from his time in Spain in the 1820s.

答案: The Spanish Student

11、 ____ was published in 1842 as Longfellow’s first public support of abolitionism.

答案: Poems on Slavery

12、 Longfellow’s love for Fanny Appleton is evident in his only love poem____.

答案: The Evening Star

13、 In___, Longfellow retired from Harvard, devoting himself entirely to writing.

答案: 1854

14、 Longfellow was awarded an honorary doctorate of__ from Harvard in 1859.

答案: Laws

15、 Longfellow’s trademark is___

答案: His beard

16、 Longfellow expressed his grief in the sonnet____ to commemorate Fanny Appleton’s death.

答案: The Cross of Snow

17、 Longfellow’s translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy was published in the spring of_.

答案: 1867

18、 Who is not a member of the “Dante Club”

答案: Nathaniel Hawthorne

19、 Which of the following statements is not true

答案: Longfellow is buried with both of his wives at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Portland, Maine.

20、 In 1884, Longfellow became the first non-British writer for whom a commemorative sculpted bust was placed in Poet’s Corner of___ in London.

答案: Westminster Abbey


Unit 7 Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Quiz

1、 When was Edgar Allan Poe born

答案: January 19, 1809

2、 Poe’s birthplace is ______.

答案: Boston

3、 Edgar Allan Poe is a _____.

答案: all of the above

4、 Which university did Poe attend

答案: University of Virginia

5、 What words could appropriately describe Poe’s life

答案: Gloomy and depressing.

6、 Which of the following statements is not true about Poe

答案: Poe paid the gambling debts with the help of his foster father.

7、 Which of the following statements is not true about Poe and Allan, his foster father

答案: Poe got along well with Allan with the death of his foster mother.

8、 In 1831, Edgar Allan Poe went to New York City where__.

答案: he had some of his poetry published

9、 Virginia Clemm___.

答案: brought Poe happiness after marriage

10、 Tamerlane and Other Poems was ______.

答案: published in 1827

11、 Which of the following works is the ancestor of detective story

答案: “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”

12、 Which of the following statements is not true about Poe’s death

答案: Poe was murdered.

13、 Which of the following poems is not written by Poe

答案: Song of Myself

14、 __ is/are characteristic of Poe’s poem.

答案: both a and b

15、 In the writing of fiction, Poe___.

答案: attracts the reader’s nerves with suggestions of the supernatural and the horrible

16、 Poe’s poems and fictions share the following similarities except_.

答案: simple vocabulary

17、 Which of the following statements is not true about Poe

答案: Poe indulged himself in a conventional life

18、 American literary criticism _____ when he was alive.

答案: was reluctant to give a satisfactory account of Poe’s works

19、 Where did Poe began to enjoy respect first after his death of 25 years

答案: Europe

20、 Whose essay titled “Edgar Poe’s Significance” showed the appreciation towards Poe’s works

答案: Walt Whitman


Unit 8 Walt Whitman Walt Whitman Quiz

1、 Whitman was born on May 31, 1819 in____.

答案: West Hills, Long Island, NY.

2、 For Whitman’s early life, which of the following statements is not true

答案: Whitman became a government official.

3、 In 1846 Whitman became editor of the____,a fairly important newspaper of the time.

答案: Brooklyn Daily Eagle

4、 In what year was the first edition of Leaves of Grass published

答案: 1855

5、 Which of Whitman’s contemporaries famously praised Leaves of Grass as “the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom America has yet contributed”

答案: Ralph Waldo Emerson

6、 Whitman is the first great American poet to use _____.

答案: free verse

7、 ______ is Whitman’s great elegy on President Abraham Lincoln.

答案: When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d

8、 Whitman’s prose descriptions of the Civil War was published in_______.

答案: Specimen Days & Collect

9、 In_______ Whitman’s work began to receive greater recognition.

答案: the late 1860s

10、 Whitman called the death of___ “the great cloud” of his life.

答案: his mother

11、 In 1881 James R. Osgood published a second Boston edition ofLeaves of Grass,and the Society for the Suppression of Vice claimed it to be___.

答案: immoral

12、 During Whitman’s lifetime, Leaves of Grass went through_editions, each with its own distinct virtues and faults.

答案: nine

13、 Whitman compared Leaves of Grass to a_long under construction, and on another occasion to a tree, with its cumulativerings of growth.

答案: cathedral

14、 Whitman held the theory that the chief function of the poet was to____ in his verse.

答案: express his own personality

15、 The first edition ofLeaves of Grassappeared during the most_period in American literature.

答案: nationalistic

16、 Which of the following statements is not true

答案: In sexual conduct Whitman may have been conventional.

17、 “I cock my hat as I please indoors and out.” is taken from Whitman’s_____.

答案: Song of Myself

18、 Which of the following descriptions is not correct about Whitman

答案: He was rowdy.

19、 Whitman’s greatest theme is a symbolic identification of the___ power of nature with the deathless divinity of the soul.

答案: regenerative

20、 It was as a___that Whitman first won recognition.

答案: symbol of American democracy


Unit 9 Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson Quiz

1、 When was Emily Dickinson born

答案: December 10, 1830.

2、 Where was Emily Dickinson born

答案: Amherst, Massachusetts.

3、 Where was Emily Dickinson schooled

答案: The Amherst Academy

4、 It is estimated that Emily Dickinson wrote__ poems in her lifetime.

答案: nearly 1,800

5、 How many of Emily’s poems were actually published during her lifetime

答案: 10

6、 In the Amherst Academy, Dickinson was recognized by teachers and students alike for her prodigious abilities in__

答案: composition

7、 Which of the following statements is true

答案: Emily Dickinson’s poems have been widely translated into many languages.

8、 The religious faith that ruled Emily Dickinson’s early years was_____

答案: Calvinism

9、 The influences of the_____and the mid-century tendencies of liberal Protestant orthodoxy pushed Dickinson toward a more symbolic understanding of religious truth and helped shape her vocation as poet.

答案: Transcendentalism

10、 Until Dickinson was in her mid-20s, her writing mostly took the form of___.

答案: letters

11、 The college where Dickinson spent one year was then called_____.

答案: Mount Holyoke Female Seminary

12、 Much of her writing, both poetic and epistolary, seems premisedon a feeling of____and a matching effort to deny, overcome, or reflect on a sense of solitude

答案: abandonment

13、 After____’s death in 1882, Dickinson remembered him as “my Philadelphia,” “my dearest earthly friend,” and “my Shepherd from ‘Little Girl’hood.”

答案: Charles Wadsworth

14、 In summer 1858, Dickinson began assembling her manuscript-books, which of the following is not a possible purpose in assembling them

答案: Perhaps she intended to publish them before her death.

15、 Which of the following words does not describe Dickinson’s feeling of her sister-in-law Susan Gilbert Dickinson

答案: Easy-going.

16、 When Emily Dickinson was rarely seen, she was usually clothed in_.

答案: white

17、 Emily Dickinson wrote many poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of her poetic expression

答案: War and peace.

18、 What is the immediate cause of Dickinson’s death

答案: Stroke.

19、 Emily Dickinson’s poetry is most aptly characterized as__.

答案: exhibiting a sensitiveness to the symbolic implications of experience, such as love, death, immortality and nature, etc.

20、 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Dickinson’s poetry

答案: Heroic couplet.


Unit 10 Mark Twain Mark Twain Quiz

1、 Who is among the very few authors who have made their fame with the pen name

答案: Samuel Clemens

2、 Mark Twain has been crowned as____ by William Faulkner.

答案: The Father of American Literature

3、 What is true of Adventure of Huckleberry Finn

答案: It is a classic that is both praised and still read.

4、 Which of the following has a crucial influence on Twain’s very best fictions

答案: His Hannibal boyhood.

5、 What is Mark Twain’s first literary success

答案: “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”

6、 Which of the following books of Mark Twain was thought to be an artistic failure

答案: The Gilded Age

7、 Mark Twain likes going on book tour wearing____.

答案: A white suit

8、 ____ contains bitter attacks on the human race.

答案: The Mysterious Stranger

9、 The basic reason for Twain’s later literary change lies in______.

答案: the darkening social life

10、 In terms of realism, Mark Twain deals largely with the_____ of society.

答案: lower class

11、 Which of the following is NOT the features of Twain’s literary language

答案: Sophisticated

12、 ______ almost always comes first and foremost whenever Twain’s “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is discussed.

答案: Humor

13、 Which kind of humor can NOT be found in Twain’s famous frog story

答案: understatement

14、 “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” was published when the___ ended.

答案: American Civil War

15、 The frog story is a comic sketch which is set in the__ of America.

答案: West

16、 Readers’ unexpected reversal of expectations are triggered by Twain’s use of_____ in the frog story.

答案: digression

17、 ______ is typical of the way in Twain’s best humor works.

答案: Comic indeterminacy

18、 The whole story of “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” was derived from the____ Twain heard in the mining camp.

答案: Tall tales

19、 According to Mark Twain, the most valuable capital in the building of novels is__.

答案: personal experience

20、 __, popular in the late 19th century, is a unique variation of American literary realism.

答案: Local colorism


Unit 11 Henry James Henry James Quiz

1、 As a passionate pilgrim in search of experience, Henry James was born in_____.

答案: a wealthy family

2、 Which of the following influential thinkers was not connected with the father of Henry James

答案: Ernest Miller Hemingway

3、 The brother of Henry James is__.

答案: William James, a noted philosopher and psychologist

4、 Henry James shares a life-long friendship with____, who later becomes his “moral police”.

答案: William Dean Howells

5、 As an author working for realism, Henry James__.

答案: deals with the upper class

6、 Which of the following is James’ major fictional theme

答案: The international theme

7、 Henry James’s literary life can be divided into___.

答案: three distinctive periods

8、 The American (1877) deals with the stories of the_American who confront the__ of European life.

答案: traditionless; sophistication

9、 Which of the following novels brought James his first international fame

答案: Daisy Miller

10、 James’s reputation is founded on his versatile studies of______, who insists upon American standards in European society.

答案: “The American girl”

11、 Which of the following does NOT fit the description of Henry James

答案: the first of the “postmodern novelists”

12、 During 1882-1895,______ were public failures as were James’s attempts to write for the stage.

答案: His novels of inter-personal relationships

13、 Which literary period of James’s creative life is praised as “The Major Phase”

答案: the third period

14、 To Henry James,_is important in its own ways, and it must be related to life.

答案: art

15、 Which of the following fits the description of Henry James’s reputation

答案: His literary significance has been gradually recognized with the development of the modern novel and the Freudian approach.

16、 In The Portrait of a Lady, Isabel Archer is presented as a___ American girl who comes into a great deal of money and confront her destiny.

答案: free-spirited

17、 Gilbert Osmond, the man Isabel finally marries, is__.

答案: fundamentally cold and cruel

18、 The Portrait of a Lady stands as a perfect example in addressing_______.

答案: the difference between the “old world” and the “new world”

19、 By the time The Portrait of a Lady was written though, the literary tradition associated with the Old World was in a state of__.

答案: decadence

20、 As a great psychological realist, many of James’s stories can be considered as__.

答案: psychological thought-experiments


Unit 12 Stephen Crane Stephen Crane Quiz

1、 The most prominent American naturalist writers include_____.

答案: Stephen Crane, Jack London, Frank Norris and a few others

2、 According to Theodore Dreiser, absent from the media then are_____.

答案: the coarse and the cruel

3、 To put in very simple terms, naturalism is about_____.

答案: application of principles of scientific determinism to fiction and drama

4、 According to Emile Zola, the naturalist novel is_____.

答案: a work of observation and experiment

5、 As remarked by Howells in terms of what literature should do, the “smiling aspects of life” most probably refers to_____.

答案: the pleasant side of life

6、 With environment and heredity as two keywords in their writing, the naturalist writers generally regard the world as_____.

答案: amoral

7、 The concept “survival of the fittest” was put forward by_____.

答案: Herbert Spencer

8、 It is suggested that Stephen Crane’s first novel Maggie: A Girl of the Streets was initially rejected by editors and publishers for its description of_____.

答案: slums

9、 Supposedly, Henry Fleming, the protagonist in The Red Badge of Courage, chooses to go to the war partly for_____.

答案: glory

10、 To the naturalist writers, the universe is all but_____.

答案: benevolent

11、 “The Open Boat”, one of Crane’s best-known short stories, is initially based on_____.

答案: the author’s real-life experience

12、 In the story “The Open Boat”, the phrase “many a man ought to have a bath-tub larger than the boat” is used to emphasize_____.

答案: the intensity of the situation

13、 Of the four men in the boat, only the oiler’s name “Billie” is mentioned. The reason is probably that_____.

答案: thematically those names are insignificant

14、 The anthropocentric view of man refers to the view of_____.

答案: man as the center of universe

15、 As is pointed out by the narrator “It would be difficult to describe the subtle brotherhood of men that was here established on the seas.” This is supposed to mean that_____.

答案: the four men have only themselves to rely on

16、 The complaint “If she has decided to drown me, why did she not do it in the beginning and save me all this trouble. The whole affair is absurd…” implies that_____.

答案: efforts will be rewarded

17、 Of the four men in the boat, only_____dies in the end.

答案: the oiler

18、 One very important stylistic feature of the story is_____.

答案: the extensive use of various colors

19、 It is suggested that in this story the reader sees experience only through_____.

答案: the eyes of the hero

20、 Stephen Crane is referred to by critics as “an impressionist” mostly because of_____.

答案: his extensive use of colors


Unit 13 Willa Cather Willa Cather Quiz

1、 Willa Cather was the first modern novelist to find in the soil of the ______– and Southwest the rich cultural inheritance.

答案: West

2、 In 1883, Willa Cather’s family left__ for____.

答案: Virginia, Nebraska

3、 There are three famous towns in America that belong both to fact and to fiction: William Faulkner’s_, Mississippi;’s Hannibal, Missouri; and Willa Cather’s__ , Nebraska.

答案: Oxford, Mark Twain, Red Cloud

4、 _is Willa Cather’s first novel.

答案: Alexander’s Bridge

5、 Alexandra is the main character of the novel____.

答案: O Pioneers!

6、 In Willa Cather’s works, the town/east is____.

答案: effete and corrupting

7、 ____ in most of Willa Cather’s novels is the center of moral reference against which modern existence is measured.

答案: Old West

8、 “The best days are the first to flee” is from___.

答案: My ántonia

9、 ___ gained Willa Cather the Pulitzer Prize in 1923.

答案: One of Ours

10、 __ once said “On or about December 1910 human nature changed.”

答案: Virginia Woolf

11、 Which of the following statement is NOT true about Willa Cather

答案: Willa Cather tried her every effort to adapt to the times she lived in.

12、 Which of the following statement is NOT true about Willa Cather’s writing

答案: In Willa Cather’s writing, some experimental techniques are adopted, such as stream of consciousness.

13、 Which of the following statements is NOT true about toward the end of the 19th century

答案: Men improved their own lives in the pursuit of morality.

14、 Willa Cather claimed_______ : “Our present is ruined — but we had a beautiful past”.

答案: after the First World War broke out

15、 Cather began to write__ during the First World War.

答案: My ántonia

16、 In My ántonia, the memories related to ántonia is narrated by__.

答案: Jim Burden

17、 ántonia_____.

答案: an ideal of the wonderful past

18、 In My ántonia,__.

答案: the female characters defy the male-dominated Victorian culture

19、 ____ is regarded as Cather’s greatest.

答案: My ántonia

20、 Which of the following statements is NOT true about My ántonia

答案: My ántonia is the second of Cather’s “prairie trilogy” of novels.


Unit 14 Sherwood Anderson Sherwood Anderson Quiz

1、 Sherwood Anderson’s works_____.

答案: focus on the rural and small-town life

2、 Sherwood Anderson’s sketches and tales drew upon his own experiences in the American___ at the end of the nineteenth century.

答案: Midwest

3、 Sherwood Anderson_______.

答案: got little formal education

4、 When he was twenty Anderson left home for____.

答案: Chicago

5、 At the age of__, Anderson began his life as a writer, asserting, “I will be a servant to words alone.”

答案: thirty-six

6、 By the turn of the century, the “little renaissance” in__ provided a favorable avant-garde climate.

答案: Chicago

7、 In 1919 Anderson’s fourth book and his masterpiece,___ , won international attention.

答案: Winesburg, Ohio

8、 Anderson’s works put emphasis on____ figures.

答案: lower class

9、 Anderson’s works reflect the important period in American history, that is,____.

答案: from a rural to a predominantly industrial society

10、 In the times Anderson lived in,____ are the distinct features of America’s small-town life.

答案: all of the above

11、 Anderson was_______.

答案: among the earliest to respond to the new Freudian psychology

12、 ___ acknowledged Anderson as “the father of my generation of American writers and the tradition of American writing which our successors will carry on”.

答案: William Faulkner

13、 The Triumph of the Egg, one of Anderson’s best works, was published in -_____.

答案: 1921

14、 The main theme of Sherwood Anderson’s most works is____.

答案: the conflicts between the industrialization in the East and the closed culture and customs in the Midwest

15、 The Triumph of the Egg is about a___ family.

答案: three-person

16、 ____ is the driving force of the family.

答案: The mother

17、 ____ is the focus of most of this story.

答案: The father

18、 Anderson relates the story from___ view point.

答案: the son’s

19、 Which of the following statements is true about the plot of The Triumph of the Egg

答案: The parents start “getting up in the world” shortly after their son’s birth.

20、 What theme was first enunciated by Anderson and could be seen as his significant contribution to American literature

答案: Lower class figures with lonely and deformed souls who were never given attention by the society.


Unit 15 F. Scott Fitzgerald F. Scott Fitzgerald Quiz

1、 __ is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age.

答案: F. Scott Fitzgerald

2、 Which of the following works does NOT belong to Fitzgerald

答案: The Sound and the Fury

3、 Fitzgerald’s formative years in Buffalo revealed him to be a boy of unusual intelligence with a keen early interest in___

答案: literature

4、 What war did Fitzgerald participate in

答案: World War I

5、 During the winter of 1917, Fitzgerald was stationed at Fort Leavenworthand was a student of future United States President___.

答案: Dwight Eisenhower

6、 What university did Fitzgerald go to

答案: Princeton University

7、 What was Fitzgerald’s first novel

答案: This Side of Paradise

8、 When Fitzgerald proposed to Zelda, she accepted but later broke it off. Why

答案: Because his job couldn’t support her lifestyle.

9、 When did Sayre and Fitzgerald marry

答案: 1920

10、 Who claimed that Zelda “encouraged her husband to drink so as to distract Fitzgerald from his work on his novel”

答案: Ernest Hemingway

11、 Fitzgerald died of____ at the age of 44.

答案: heart attack

12、 The Great Gatsby is a story about___.

答案: disillusionment

13、 When we say the words “Roaring Twenties” , which of the following might NOT pop into your head

答案: The Beat Generation

14、 The Great Gatsby was published in__.

答案: 1925

15、 The narrator of The Great Gatsby is____

答案: Nick Carraway

16、 Gatsby made his fortune in__.

答案: organized crime and bootlegging

17、 Gatsby is motivated by__.

答案: love

18、 Why does Gatsby throw extravagant parties

答案: He believes that Daisy may come to a party some night.

19、 How does Myrtle Wilson die

答案: She is struck by Daisy driving Gatsby’s car.

20、 Gatsby is killed by_____.

答案: George Wilson






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