警务英语(江苏警官学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Emergency Service Test for Unit1

1、 We can report an emergency case by sending a text message to “12110”. Which of the following  is the most helpful text message?

答案: There is robbery on the Route 37 Bus. We are now approaching Changle lu Station.

2、 What should you do if you witness a robbery?

答案: Call 110. Try to protect both the victim and yourself at the same time.

3、 “刑事案件” can be translated into ‍                              ‍.

答案: Criminal cases.

4、 How to report an incident to the police through “110”? List the steps:

答案: A. Do not panic.;
B. Tell the operator why you need assistance. /Tell the operator the nature of the emergency.;
C. Tell the operator the location of the emergency.;
D. Tell the operator your name and address.

5、 If you report a robbery case, you should try to recollect any useful information and pass it on to the police immediately, such as:

答案: A. Value and identifiable marks of the stolen property;
B. Appearance of suspect(s);
C. Any weapons used.;
D. Suspect’s escape route.

6、 How should “110” operators respond when receiving a call?

答案: Take the initiative to help.;
Let P.R. ( person reporting) calm down.;
Get the key points of a case.

7、 What qualities police operators or dispatchers should have?

答案: Good communication ability.;
A strong sense of responsibility.;
Work well under stressful situations.;
Be careful and patient.

8、 What are the requirements of “911” dispatchers?‍

答案: Information gatherers.;
Emergency response coordinators.;
Physical responsibilities.;
Clerical skills.

9、  When reporting a missing case, what information will help the searching?

答案: The last known location of the missing person.;
Current photos of the missing person.;
Height, weight, age, hair color of the missing person.;
Identifying characteristics, as scars or tattoos of the missing person.

10、 How to describe a place to the police if you are not familiar with it when dialing “110”?

答案: Tell the polkice the name of the bus stop nearby.;
Tell the police any land mark nearby.

11、 In case of a burglary, you can dial “110” for help in China.

答案: 正确

12、 In case of flooding, you can dial “110” for help in China.

答案: 正确

13、 In case of a traffic lights failure, you can dial “110” for help in China.

答案: 正确

14、 If you need Emergency Locksmith Service, you can dial “110” for help in China.

答案: 正确

15、 In case of any problem, you can dial “110” for help in China.

答案: 错误

16、 Educate children on the proper use of “110”.

答案: 正确

17、 You can overstate the truth a little in order to get immediate help when dialing “110”.

答案: 错误

18、 Do not make hoax calls to “110”. The caller has to shoulder the legal responsibilities.

答案: 正确

19、 Harassing a dispatcher on a “110” line with profanity (污言秽语;脏话)will not be punished.

答案: 错误

20、 The better P.R. (person reporting) follow orders of “110” operators, the
higher the involved person’s rate of survival will be.

答案: 正确

作业Unit 1 Emergency Service Oral Practice

1、 Develop a short dialog with the given information and upload your audio file(上传小于50M的音频文件)to our website.(Situation: You’re an 110 operator and receiving a robbery report on the phone. The victim is very frightened.)
评分规则:  从内容、语言、交流三个方面进行评定。1. 内容紧扣主题、充实完整;2. 语言表达准确、语音清晰、措辞得当;3. 交流顺畅自然。

Unit 1 Emergency Service Word Quiz

1、 Most countries have a single emergency telephone number that allows a caller to ‍                               ‍ the local emergency services for assistance.

答案: contact

2、 Emergency numbers ‍                                ‍ from country to country. 

答案: vary

3、 “110” is reserved only for true emergency situations in which there is a definite, likely or uncertain ‍                       ‍ to life, health or property.

答案: threat

4、 By remaining calm, the caller is able to ‍                                ‍ the operator with key information to solve the case. 

答案: provide

5、 Please clearly tell the poice the ‍                                   ‍ address where the robbery happened.

答案: exact

6、 Police operators plays a ‍                                      ‍ role in the whole process of emergency service.

答案: crucial

7、 Police operators must accurately gather information from the caller in order to pass it on to the ‍                    ‍  unit.

答案: responding

8、 When a person dials the emergency number, it’s usually because of a serious ‍                               ‍.

答案: crisis

9、 If there are multiple emergencies, a dispatcher must determine the ‍                             ‍ of each situation and send police, fire or ambulance.  

答案: priority

10、 “110” operators are expected to be ‍                 ‍ , patient and highly concentrated.

答案: enthusiastic

Unit 2 Traffic Control Test for Unit 2

1、 闯红灯

答案: to run a red light

2、 超速驾驶

答案: speeding

3、 占用应急车道

答案: to occupy emergency lanes

4、 疲劳驾驶

答案: fatigue driving

5、 超车

答案: to overtake a car

6、 禁行区行驶

答案:  to run through restricted areas

7、 Which statement is NOT useful for the operator to get the location of the accident from the reporter?

答案: Which direction did the vehicle go?‍

8、 Which statements shall the operator use when the call is put through?

答案: This is 110. What can I do for you?;
Hello, this is emergency service center.

9、 Which statements may calm down the panic reporter?

答案: Take it easy.;
Do not panic!;
Please calm down.;
Don’t worry. We’ll call an ambulance at once.

10、 What are the information the operator should collect from the reporter during a traffic accident report?

答案:  The location of the accident.;
The time of the accident.;
Whether anyone is injured  in the accident.;
The description of the involved vehicle.

11、 Which of the following constitutes the driving offense?

答案: to overtake a car;
to run red lights;
driving without license;
to occupy emergency lanes

12、 The categories of the penalties against illegal acts on road traffic safety include: 

答案:  warning;
temporary seizure or revocation of the motor vehicle driving license;

13、 Which are the steps during an enforcement stop?

答案: Offense acknowledgment;
 Enforcement stop;
Penalty implementation;
License check

14、 The driver can stop in the center median of a freeway or on the opposite side of a two-lane roadway.

答案: 错误

15、 Moving the vehicle to the right shoulder of the road will prevent both the driver and the officer from the danger of being hit by oncoming traffic.

答案: 正确

16、 During an enforcement stop the driver should remain in the vehicle unless an officer directs him or her to do so.

答案: 正确

17、 Whoever has drunk a little alcohol or taken psychotropic drugs controlled by the State, may be allowed to drive a motor vehicle. 

答案: 错误

18、 Police all have the qualification to offer first-aid service upon arriving at the scene of a traffic accident. 

答案: 错误

19、 First aid kit is one of the essential equipment of police on duty.

答案: 正确

20、 If there’s leakage of gas on the scene of a traffic accident, the police should first arrange the evacuation of the people.

答案: 正确

21、 Upon arriving at the scene of a traffic accident, the first thing the police need to do is to help the victim.

答案: 错误

22、 After checking the responsibilities, the breathing and the pulse, the police can decide whether the victims need CPR or not.

答案: 正确

Unit 2 Traffic Control Word Quiz

1、 a. 闯红灯    b. 巡逻    c. 易燃易爆物品① a hit-and-run accident          ② to run a red light        ③ not fasten seat belt while driving④ inflammable or explosive articles  ⑤ on the beat      ⑥ to exceed the speed limit 

答案: ② – ⑤ – ④

2、 a. 连环撞   b. 实时路况        c. 占用紧急车道 ① not fasten seat belt while driving      ② a chain collision             ③ to write a ticket  ④ to drive under the influence         ⑤ to occupy emergency lane   ⑥ live traffic  

答案: ② – ⑥-  ⑤

3、 a. 实施统一管理      b. 驾车未系安全带      c. 抚平狂暴之情绪 ① to practice uniform administration      ② a chain collision          ③ to occupy emergency lane④ soothe the savage breast        ⑤ not fasten seat belt while driving     ⑥ live traffic     

答案: ① – ⑤ – ④

4、 a. 承担事故的全部法律责任     b. 开具行政处罚决定书      c. 开罚单① to exceed the speed limit                          ② to bear the legal liabilities alone  ③ to issue a written decision on the administration penalty      ④ not fasten seat belt while driving  ⑤ to practice uniform administration            ⑥ to write a ticket 

答案: ②- ③-  ⑥

5、 a. 超速行驶     b. 在药物(或酒精)影响下开车   c. 肇事逃逸事故① to drive under the influence            ② to exceed the speed limit    ③ to drive the vehicle safely and courteously        ④ inflammable or explosive articles  ⑤ to occupy emergency lane             ⑥ a hit-and-run accident   

答案: ②-  ①-  ⑥

Unit 3 Public Security Administration Word Quiz

1、 take compulsory measures

答案: 采取强制措施

2、 clear division of tasks

答案: 明确的任务分工

3、 gather together to gamble

答案: 聚众赌博

4、 authenticity

答案: 真实性

5、 confiscate

答案: 没收

6、 vehicle license

答案: 行驶证

7、 hit and run

答案: 肇事逃逸

8、 domestic violence

答案: 家庭暴力

9、  vulnerable

答案: 易受伤的

10、 perpetrator

答案: 犯罪者

11、 trauma

答案: 创伤

12、 humiliation

答案: 羞辱

13、 cohabitation

答案: 同居

14、  pull over

答案: 靠边停车

15、 driving license

答案: 驾驶证





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