General Pathology (普通病理学)(东南大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Overview of general pathology ; Cell injury, cell death and adaptations (1) 课程概述 细胞、组织的适应和损伤(1) Unit

1、 On a routine visit to the physician, an otherwise healthy 51-year-old man has a blood pressure of 150/95 mmHg. If the patient’s hypertension remains untreated for years, which of the following cellular alterations will most likely be seen in the myocardium?

答案: Hypertrophy

2、 After the birth of her first child, a 25-year-old woman breast-fed the infant for about 1 year. Which of the following processes that occurred in the breast during pregnancy allowed her to breast-feed the infant?

A:Stromal hypertrophy
B:Lobular hyperplasia
C:Intracellular accumulation of fat
D:Ductal epithelial metaplasia
答案: Lobular hyperplasia

3、 What kind of cellular adaptation is found in the esophageal epithelium in the following figure?General Pathology (普通病理学)(东南大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

答案: Metaplasia

4、 Which of the following is not likely the cause of cell injury?

A:Infectious agents
B:Genetic abnormalities
C:Hypoxia and ischemia
D:Mutation of oncogenes
答案: Mutation of oncogenes

5、 Cell injury usually results from functional and biochemical abnormalities in one or more cellular components. Which of the following is not involved?

A:Excessive ATP generation
B:DNA damage
C:Accumulation of misfolded proteins
D:Increasing ROS
答案: Excessive ATP generation

6、 The reason muscles are more likely to survive hypoxia than the brain is that

A:With more glucose stores, muscles have a greater glycolytic capacity than brain
B:Muscles are tissue firmer than brain
C:Brain consumes less oxygen than muscles
D:Brain has a greater glycolytic capacity than brain, while muscles have limited glucose stores
答案: With more glucose stores, muscles have a greater glycolytic capacity than brain

7、 Ballooning degeneration is refers to

A:Fatty change
B:Hydropic degeneration
C:Hyaline degeneration
答案: Hydropic degeneration

8、 What reversible change is shown in the figure?General Pathology (普通病理学)(东南大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第2张

A:Cellular swelling
B:Hyaline degeneration
C:Fatty change
D:Myxoid degeneration
答案: Fatty change

9、 The mechanisms of intracellular accumulation are associated with the following processes except for

A:Alteration in protein folding
B:Accumulation of triglycerides in parenchymal cells
C:Accumulation of exogenous particles
D:Activated enzyme
答案: Activated enzyme

Cell injury, cell death and adaptations (2) 细胞、组织的适应和损伤(2) Unit quiz (02)单元测验(02)

1、 Which of the following sites is not likely to show hyaline degeneration?

A:Cytoplasm of hepatocyte
B:Fibrous scar
C:Endothelial cell
D:Arteriolar walls
答案: Endothelial cell

2、 A 72-year-old man died suddenly and unexpectedly from congestive heart failure. At autopsy, the heart weighed 580g and showed marked left ventricular hypertrophy and minimal coronary arterial atherosclerosis. A serum chemistry panel ordered prior to death showed no abnormalities. Which of the following pathologic processes best accounts for the appearance of the aortic valve seen in the figure? General Pathology (普通病理学)(东南大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第3张

B:Dystrophic calcification
C:Fatty change
D:Lipofuscin deposition
答案: Dystrophic calcification

3、 Which of the following pigments is a not endogenous pigment?

答案: carotene

4、 Which of the following description is not true about the cytologic morphology in necrosis?

A:Eosinophilic and glassy cytoplasm
B:Nuclear shrinkage and increased basophilia
C:Increased eosinophilic nucleus
D:Fragmentation of pyknosis nuclear
答案: Increased eosinophilic nucleus

5、 A 69-year-old woman suddenly lost consciousness and, on awakening 1 hour later, she couldn’t speak or move her right arm and leg. Two months later, a head CT scan showed a large cystic area in the left parietal lobe. Which of the following pathologic processes has most likely occurred in the brain?

A:Fat necrosis
B:Coagulative necrosis
D:Liquefactive necrosis
答案: Liquefactive necrosis

6、 A chest radiograph of an asymptomatic 37-year-old man showed a 3cm nodule in the middle lobe of the right lung. The nodule was excised with a pulmonary wedge resection, and sectioning showed the nodule to be sharply circumscribed with a soft, cheese-like center. Culture of tissue from the nodule grew Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Which of the following pathologic processes has most likely occurred in the nodule?

A:Caseous necrosis
B:Coagulative necrosis
C:Liquefactive necrosis
D:Fat necrosis
答案: Caseous necrosis

7、 Which of the following is not likely the result of necrosis?

C:Metastatic calcification
答案: Metastatic calcification

8、 What is the necrosis in the following figure?General Pathology (普通病理学)(东南大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第4张

A:Caseous necrosis
B:Fibrinous necrosis
C:Coagulative necrosis
D:Liquefactive necrosis
答案: Fibrinous necrosis

9、 Which of the following is not true about apoptosis?

A:Apoptosis can be triggered by both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways
B:Apoptotic body is typically seen
C:Specialized membrane structures fall apart
D:Inflammation is triggered after apoptosis
答案: Inflammation is triggered after apoptosis

Tissue repair组织修复 Unit quiz (03)单元测验(03)

1、 According to the cell cycle phases and the proliferative potential, which is not belong to labile cells?

A:Squamous epithelium of the skin
B:Squamous epithelium of cervix
C:Mesothelial cells
D:Smooth muscle cells
答案: Smooth muscle cells

2、 Which one of the listed process does not relate to angiogenesis?

A:Proteolysis of ECM
B:Migration of endothelial cells
C:Proliferation of endothelial cells
D:Proliferation of fibroblasts
答案: Proliferation of fibroblasts

3、 According to the cell cycle phases and the proliferative potential, which is belong to permanent cells?

A:Cardiac myocytes
B:Squamous epithelium of cervix
C:Columnar epithelium of the stomach
答案: Cardiac myocytes

4、 Which is not the component of granulation tissue?

A:Proliferating fibroblasts
B:New thin-walled, delicate capillaries
C:Inflammatory cells
D:Nerve fibers
答案: Nerve fibers

5、 Which is not belong to the functions of the granulation tissue?

A:Promote regeneration of the injurious tissue

B:Anti-infection and protect the surface of the wound

C:Filling wound

D:Organization or encapsulation necrotic tissue

答案: Promote regeneration of the injurious tissue

6、 Which of the following injury does not involve the process of repair by scar formation?

A:The organization of splenic infarction
B:Healing of a large wound in the skin
C:The repair of myocardial infarction
D:The regeneration of partial hepatectomy
答案: The regeneration of partial hepatectomy

7、 Which factor does not influence tissue repair?

B:Presence of the necrotic tissue and foreign material
C:Diabetes mellitus
D:Vitamin A deficiency
答案: Vitamin A deficiency

8、 Which of the following is incorrect about the healing by first intention?

A:In 24 hours, the small gap in the epidermis and dermis is filled with the clotted blood
B:Neutrophils appear in the wound within 24 hours, rapidly complete the liquefaction process
C:Fibroblasts proliferate and migrate into the prepared dermal gap, leading to the formation of granulation tissue
D:There was a marked inflammatory response and keloid formation around the wound
答案: There was a marked inflammatory response and keloid formation around the wound

9、 Which is not belonging to abnormal wound healing in some clinical practice?

A:Healing by the first intention
B:Delayed wound healing
C:Wound dehiscence
D:Keloid formation
答案: Healing by the first intention





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