中国大学mooc慕课 硕士生英语SPOC(刘珊)(华中农业大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


Lecture 1 Academic self-introduction 第一讲单元测验

1、 The self-introduction speech is usually called at____.

答案: business and academic setting

2、 A monologue, as a form of self-introduction speech, means____.

答案: you just stand up and introduce yourself

3、 Your self-introduction speech should be____.

答案: short and sweet

4、 There are some helpful tips for self-introduction except____.

答案: use some attractive language

5、 When you introduce yourself in academic settings, you____.

答案: need to stand

6、 If you are an outsider to the audience, it’s much better that the person introducing you is____.

答案: an insider

7、 In order to ensure the introduction sounds authentic, the introducer should____.

答案: put his own personal spin on the introduction

8、 ____ is effective when trying to connect with an audience.

答案: The self-depreciating humor

9、 What is the best way if you want to know what to keep and what to cut from your introduction

答案: Rehearsing.

10、 What moments of a presentation are precious

答案: The first few moments.

Lecture 2 Differences between oral and written English 第二讲单元测验

1、 ______ can correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along.

答案: Speakers

2、 ____ is used for immediate interactions.

答案: Speech

3、 ____ tends to be more complex and intricate.

答案: Written language

4、 There is more need for______ to explain things clearly and unambiguously.

答案: writers

5、 ____ can use tone to add emotional context.

答案: Speakers

6、 A presentation doesn’t sound natural because____ .

答案: the way the presenter presents himself/herself is not appropriate

7、 While doing presentation you should try your best to make it____.

答案: interesting and attractive

8、 Which of the following sayings is more formal______

答案: I met him yesterday.

9、 Model adjectives can help audience understand the__ of the presenter.

答案: viewpoints

10、 When you do presentations, you should use discourse markers to serve the following purposes except____.

答案: to show the audience how excellent your language skills are

Lecture 3 Preparing for academic presentation 第五讲单元测验

1、 1. In order to keep focused, you should not make your presentation_______.

答案: covering too much information

2、 Because audiences have short attention spans, you’d better_____.

答案: keep your presentation brief

3、 You can keep your presentation visually engaging because the audiences_____.

答案: hate to read a lot of words on a slide

4、 If possible, you’d better get familiar with the following elements about the actual room, except_____.

答案: the temperature

5、 What should I do to attract the audience’s attention

答案: You should look around the room at the audience.

6、 How should I stand when I make a presentation

答案: You should move around a bit.

7、 How should I speak when I make a presentation

答案: You should speak more slowly than usual.

8、 How do I respond to questions when you make a presentation

答案: You can answer the questions as honestly as possible.

Lecture 4 Working on structure 第九讲单元测验

1、 How many key points would be sufficient, if people plan to make a 10-15-minute presentation

答案: 3 key points.

2、 What will add clarity to your argument

答案: Explaining complex terms.

3、 If the presentation is short, the presenter______.

答案: shouldn’t spend much time using visual aids

4、 At the beginning of a presentation, the presenter_____.

答案: should talk about what he or she is going to say

5、 The introduction should include the name,______ and sometimes the reason why the person is an expert on his topic.

答案: the job position

6、 It’s good to use______ to make the introduction easy to understand.

答案: common language

7、 _____ is the most important part of the presentation.

答案: The introduction

8、 To outline the key points of the topic can______.

答案: help to get the audience’s attention

9、 Sometimes it is usual to go so in-depth on topics the presenter knows well that_____.

答案: he loses focus on the audience’s need

10、 When people use____ such as a signal to the end, it can make the structure much clearer.

答案: effective transitional phrases

11、 Which part of the presentation do the audience tend to remember

答案: The end.

12、 In fact, the entire presentation can depend on____ the presenter makes.

答案: the final impression

13、 When the presenter announces to end the presentation, he had better____.

答案: make a short conclusion

14、 It is helpful for the presenter to__while making a conclusion.

答案: keep his eyes on the audience

15、 Remember to____ because the presenter only has a limited amount of time for the presentation.

答案: write a rough outline

16、 At the end of the presentation, the presenter can also provide_____.

答案: his email address

17、 People can begin with an amusing story in the introduction, in order to____.

答案: capture the audience’s attention

18、 The presenter can____ so that the audience have enough time to take notes.

答案: pause at the end of each point

Lecture 6 Dealing with stress prior to the event 第四讲单元测验

1、 Which of the following statements about “performance anxiety” is correct

答案: A little nervous can motivate people to make good preparation.

2、 Performance anxiety can be caused when_____.

答案: people consider too much the reaction of audience to their presentation.

3、 What does the sentence “You have butterflies in your stomach” mean

答案: You are very anxious.

4、 Which of the following statements is positive thought

答案: “I will aim to do the best I can.”

5、 In order to control the anxiety levels, people can______.

答案: eat healthy food

6、 Before the presentation, it can be better to have_______.

答案: a warm drink

7、 When do people feel particularly nervous

答案: At the beginning of the presentation.

8、 When people make the presentation, they can use__to reduce the nervousness.

答案: the positive thinking skills

9、 __can relieve tension.

答案: Taking some deep breath

10、 In order to let the audience know the important part of your presentation, you can_______.

答案: emphasize key words

11、 If you want to attract the audience, you can use an emotional word, such as_______, to describe a new way.

答案: amazing

12、 You’d better avoid providing_______ as “brain food”, because it can’t help the audience focus on your presentation.

答案: donuts

13、 Who should make the presentation exciting to the audience

答案: The presenter.

14、 What is the first human connection we can have with another person

答案: Eye contact.

15、 In order to show you prepare your presentation quite well, you’d better____.

答案: memorize your presentation in advance

16、 In terms of visual channels, what is often underestimated

答案: The role of body language.

17、 When a person crosses his hands, it means____.

答案: he is not willing to communicate with others







中国大学mooc慕课 硕士生英语SPOC(刘珊)(华中农业大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

中国大学mooc慕课 硕士生英语SPOC(刘珊)(华中农业大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第2张





中国大学mooc慕课 硕士生英语SPOC(刘珊)(华中农业大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第3张

