中国大学mooc慕课 大学英语(南方医科大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


0 热身 热身测验

1、 这门课程的每个模块都推荐了学习策略和应试策略

答案: 正确

2、 这门课程的每个模块都推荐了相应的学习类App。

答案: 正确

3、 这门课程的每个模块都提供了大量针对性的练习,我需要按时完成练习。

答案: 正确

4、 这门课程含听说读写译五个模块

答案: 正确

5、 老师希望我请积极参与课程讨论,与来自全国的学员和课程团队携手共进。

答案: 正确

6、 这门课程的五个模块的内容将逐步放开,老师希望我们紧跟课程节奏

答案: 正确

7、 老师建议我们选择喜欢的学习类app,安装到自己的移动设备中并坚持练习

答案: 正确

8、 每个模块都有相应的测验,主要是为了帮助我们巩固该模块介绍的各种互联网+时代下的英语学习技能

答案: 正确

9、 老师希望我们积极完成作业,巩固新学到的学习技能

答案: 正确

10、 这门课程的名称是:____
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)互联网+大学英语;

1 听力 听力技能测验

1、 以下哪个不是理解主旨大意的常见提问句型?

A:What is the main idea of the passage?
B:What can we learn from this passage?
C:Which of the following is true?
D:What is the passage mainly about?
答案: Which of the following is true? 

2、 以下哪个不是理解重要信息或特定细节的常见提问句型?

A:Where is the woman going?
B:What is the main idea of the passage?
C:What’s the man’s house number?
D:How many hours does Tom sleep a day?
答案: What is the main idea of the passage?

3、 以下哪个不是理解说话人明确表达的观点、态度等的常见提问句型?

A:Which of the following is true?
B:What is the professor’ s opinion of …?
C:What is the professor’ s attitude about/toward…?
D:How does the author think of…?
答案: Which of the following is true?

4、 以下哪个不是理解推论隐含意义的常见提问句型?

A:It can be inferred from the conversation that ..
B:The report implies, but does not directly state that .
C:What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
D:When does the woman plan to arrive?
答案: When does the woman plan to arrive?

5、 以下哪个不是理解话语交际功能的常见提问句型?

A:What does the woman mean by saying “It is hot inside the room”?
B:What does the little girl mean by saying “I am so hungry”?
C:What does the woman mean by saying “It is my birthday today”?
D:How many hours does Tom sleep a day?
答案: How many hours does Tom sleep a day?

6、 以下哪个不是理解说话人观点、态度等的常见提问句型?

A:Where is the woman going?
B:What can be inferred about the student when he/she says this (reply)?
C:What can be inferred about the author’s attitude towards …?
D:What does the speakers want to tell us?
答案: Where is the woman going?

7、 听力中出现“because, since, now that, on account of, due to, on the ground of, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus, hence”等词时,表示讲述的是______关系。
答案: 因果

8、 听力中出现“similarly, in the same way, likewise, whereas, in contrast to, rather than”等词时,表示讲述的是______关系。
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)比较或对比;

9、 听力中出现“but, however, nevertheless, whereas, although, despite, in spite of, still”等词时,表示讲述的是______关系。
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)转折或让步;

10、 听力中出现“for example, for instance, specially, such as, as follows”等词时,表示讲述的是______关系。 
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)举例;

作业2 口语 口语作业

1、 Dear all,Here comes the assignment of this module: please record your 3-min presentation on the topic of “What will China be like in 30 years?”Tips:Please submit a MP3 recording.Please rename your recording with your school and name, for example, SMU陈泽璇。Your recordings will be reviewed and scored by the teaching staff of this course.Try your best.
评分规则:  切题

2 口语 口语技能测验

1、 以下哪个不是用于陈述事实的常用句型?

A:It is made of ..
B:It is featured by
C:It has many advantages, such as,
D:Something surprising happened…
答案: Something surprising happened…

2、 以下哪个不是用于陈述理由的常用句型?

A:May I collect your opinions on?
B:The first/best reason is
C:In my opinion, there are three ways of looking at it. Firstly, … Secondly, … Thirdly,
D:Of all the advantages,
答案: May I collect your opinions on?

3、 以下哪个不是用于陈述观点的常用句型?

A:It seems to me that.
B:This is only my opinion but.
C:Last year during the Spring Festival, I
D:Those reasons explain why
答案: Last year during the Spring Festival, I 

4、 以下哪个不是用于描述现象的常用句型?

A:Something surprising happened
B:The first thing you should do/need to do is
C:Currently, there is a phenomenon/increasing trend that
D:… has been prevalent in our society in recent years.
答案: The first thing you should do/need to do is

5、 以下哪个不是用于交换意见、观点的常用句型?

A:From my perspective, I … Do you agree with me?
B:I’d like to hear your opinion about
C:May I collect your opinions on
D:They have lived through a lot of different things
答案: They have lived through a lot of different things

6、 以下哪个不是用于交流情感的常用句型?

A:Our study has verified that this method is
B:That’s interesting. Let me see. Well, I suppose that
C:I can’t find words to express how much I like it
D:I felt so delighted/depressed.
答案: Our study has verified that this method is 

7、 以下哪个不是用于表述争辩的常用句型?

A:I’m afraid I can’t accept your argument
B:I’m not at all convinced by your explanation.
C:I strongly hold the viewpoint that
D:Last year during the Spring Festival, I
答案: Last year during the Spring Festival, I 

8、 以下哪个不是用于解释的常用句型?

A:In my opinion, there are three reasons. Firstly, … Secondly, …. Thirdly,
B:I’d like to hear your opinion about
C:One of the best explanations to this issue is
D:Explanations to this phenomenon are twofold. For one thing, … For another thing,
答案: I’d like to hear your opinion about 

9、 以下哪个不是用于比较的常用句型?

A:The biggest difference between … and… is that
B:There are quite a few differences between …and
C:Something surprising happened
D:The main advantage of … is that…While the disadvantage is that
答案: Something surprising happened

10、 以下哪个不是用于论证的常用句型?

A:Our study has verified that this method is
B:We intend to do justice to the question of
C:Let me cite a few instances to illustrate my point
D:This is only my opinion but.
答案: This is only my opinion but.







中国大学mooc慕课 大学英语(南方医科大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

中国大学mooc慕课 大学英语(南方医科大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第2张





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