中国大学mooc慕课 General Medical English(Wenzhou Medical University) 答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit1 Doctors’ Life Quiz for Unit 1-reading

1、 Q1. Doctors used to believe small but constant doses of radiation _____.

答案: put younger people at greater risks

2、 Q2. In the second paragraph, “primed cells” refer to those that _____.

答案: are easily affected by a small amount of radiation

3、 Q3. In accordance with his finding, Brenner____.

答案: warns that CT scans should be used with caution

4、 Q4. For which of the following situations would Brenner recommend screening?

答案: Finding the exact place of a tumor.

5、 Q5. The main idea of the text is _____.

答案: radiation may be a greater cancer risk for adults than doctors thought

Unit1 Doctors’ Life Quiz for Unit 1-vocabulary and text comprehension

1、 pneumonia

答案: inflammation of the lungs

2、 segue

答案: 继续

3、 podiatrist

答案: 足病医生

4、 omniscient

答案: 全知的,无所不知的

5、 osteoporosis

答案: 骨质疏松症

6、 bisphosphonate

答案: 二磷酸盐

7、 cholesterol

答案: 胆固醇

8、 stray

答案: 零落的,偶遇的

9、 debunk

答案: 揭露

10、 ancillary

答案: 辅助的

11、 indulgence

答案: 迁就,纵容

12、 smear

答案: 涂片试验

13、 colonoscopy

答案: 结肠镜检查

14、 tetanus

答案: 破伤风

15、 evaporate

答案: 消失

16、 重新启动

答案: reboot

17、 疫苗

答案: vaccine

18、 处方

答案: prescription

19、 永久的,不断的

答案: perpetual

20、 暗藏,隐藏

答案: lurk

21、 危险症状

答案: red-flag sign

22、 模拟

答案: simulate

23、 乳房X线照片

答案: mammogram

24、 神经元,神经细胞

答案: neuron

25、 算法

答案: algorithm

26、 葡萄糖

答案: glucose

27、 按现实情况,以现状来说

答案: as it stands

28、 很可能造成某事

答案: be a recipe for sth.

29、 糖尿病

答案: diabetes

30、 倒塌

答案: tumble

31、 杂乱无章地

答案: haphazardly

32、 超载,超负荷

答案: overload

33、 胜过,强过

答案: outweigh

34、 线性的

答案: linear

35、 承保范围,承保险别

答案: coverage

36、 摇摇欲坠的,不稳定的

答案: precarious

37、 酶

答案: enzyme

38、 乱哄哄的地方(场面)

答案: three-ring circus

39、 奢侈

答案: extravagance

40、 (药物)增效剂

答案: booster

41、 Study shows, almost (   ) doctor(s) per day commit(s) suicide in the United States, which is the highest suicide rate of any profession.

答案: one

42、 According to American Medical Association,which of the following is NOT the three major issues causing and fueling physician burnout?

答案: patients’ understanding

43、 exposition

答案: 说明文

44、 People can press the reboot button of computers, while the only thing Dr. Ofri can do to herself is (      ).

答案: swallow some paracetamol tablets

45、 Which of the following is NOT one of the principles you should follow when choosing a research paper topic?

答案: A topic with one source

46、 Which of the following is an appropriate research paper topic?

答案: Theater-of-the-Absurd elements in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

47、 A summary should NOT

答案: include all the details

48、 boil down to

答案: 归结为

49、 Most humans can

答案: switch from task to task

50、 juggle

答案: 玩杂耍,连续抛接

Unit 2 Resurgent and Emergent Diseases Quiz for Unit 2 — Reading

1、 Q1. In this passage “doctor-assisted suicide” actually refers to the practice that doctors ______.

答案: propose euthanasia to the terminally ill patient

2、 Q2. People may object to doctor-assisted suicide on the ground that_____.

答案: doctors may make mistakes in their diagnosis

3、 Q3. Who has the power to decide when a person should die according to those who argue against assisted suicide?

答案: Nature.  

4、 Q4. When speaking of the role patients play in assisted suicide, the author admits that _____.

答案: they are unable to make the choice in some cases

5、 Q5. The author makes it clear that ______.

答案: he is in favor of doctor-assisted suicide

Unit 2 Resurgent and Emergent Diseases Quiz for Unit 2 — vocabulary and text comprehension

1、 词汇题-抗原

答案: antigen

2、 词汇题-再现,重现

答案: resurgence

3、 词汇题-量化

答案: quantify

4、 词汇题-基础设施

答案: infrastructure

5、 词汇题-夸张

答案: hyperbole

6、 词汇题-内讧的

答案: internecine

7、 词汇题-激动

答案: flush

8、 词汇题-折磨

答案: affliction

9、 词汇题-长期存在的问题

答案: perennial

10、 词汇题-获奖者

答案: laureate

11、 词汇题-呼吸的

答案: respiratory

12、 词汇题-青霉素

答案: penicillin

13、 词汇题-必然的结果

答案: corollary

14、 词汇题-无数的

答案: myriad

15、 词汇题-监视,监督

答案: surveillance

16、 词汇题-变异

答案: mutation

17、 词汇题-减弱

答案: wane

18、 词汇题-风湿病

答案: rheumatic

19、 词汇题-坏因素

答案: blight

20、 词汇题-静止,不流动

答案: stagnant

21、 词汇题-quip

答案: 嘲弄

22、 词汇题-pertussis

答案: 百日咳

23、 词汇题-并发症

答案: complication

24、 词汇题-恶化

答案: deteriorate

25、 词汇题-virulence

答案: 毒性

26、 词汇题-lineage

答案: 血统

27、 词汇题-venue

答案: 地点

28、 词汇题-vigilance

答案: 警惕

29、 词汇题-bacterium

答案: 细菌

30、 词汇题-shambles

答案: 混乱

31、 词汇题-pathogenic

答案: 致病的

32、 词汇题-cholera

答案: 霍乱

33、 词汇题-dictum

答案: 格言

34、 “intestinal”的中文意思是(     )。

答案: 肠的

35、 Which figure of speech is used in the expression “from penicillin to polio”?

答案: alliteration

36、 In the famous opera La Boheme,the heroine (       ).

答案: died of tuberculosis

37、 In the expression “Kikwit, Zaire, site of the last Ebola flare-up”, here “flare-up” means (       ).

答案: 爆发

38、 The expression “march to (the beat of) a different drum” is an idiom, which means (      ).

答案: 步调不一致

39、 The sentence “TB also hitched a ride on the HIV wagon,an emerging disease thus helping re-ignite an old one” means (     )

答案: HIV is an emerging disease, and TB took its wagon, showing up again.

40、 Part 2 of Text A mainly (       ).

答案: analyzes the reasons why those re-emerging diseases are so devastating

41、 The root “path(o)-” means (          ).

答案: 疾病

42、 The root “strept(o)-” means (          ).

答案: 链状

43、 The root “vir(o)-” means (          ).

答案: 病毒

44、 “antacid” 的中文意思是(     )。

答案: 抗酸药

45、 The prefix “pan-” means (        ).

答案: involving all

46、 Which of the following diseases is not an emergent disease?

答案: dengue fever

47、 Which of the following diseases had not been declared controlled or eliminated in human health history?

答案: AIDS

48、 What’s the main writing purpose of Text A?

答案: To call for universal concern over the resurgent and re-emergent diseases.

49、 Text B takes a particular re-emergent disease – (            ) – into study.

答案: tuberculosis

50、 The root “coccus(o)-” means (          ).

答案: 球菌

Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diaeases Quiz for Unit 3 — vocabulary and text comprehension

1、 epiphany

答案: 顿悟

2、 mercury

答案: 水银

3、 endorphin

答案: 内啡肽

4、 intervention

答案: 干预

5、 transient

答案: 短暂的

6、 tilt

答案: 倾斜

7、 gluten

答案: 谷蛋白

8、 optimal

答案: 最佳的

9、 bout

答案: 发作

10、 iodine

答案: 碘

11、 allergy

答案: 过敏

12、 immerse

答案: 沉浸

13、 dodge

答案: 避开

14、 下降

答案: descent

15、 folate

答案: 叶酸

16、 大型褐藻

答案: kelp

17、 攻击

答案: assault

18、 敏捷的

答案: crisp

19、 锦标赛

答案: tournament

20、 药物疗法

答案: pharmacotherapy

21、 痴呆

答案: dementia

22、 神经退化性疾病

答案: neurodegeneration

23、 心绞痛

答案: angina

24、 多态性

答案: polymorphism

25、 核苷酸

答案: nucleotide

26、 类黄酮

答案: flavonoid

27、 白藜芦醇

答案: resveratrol

28、 (视力) 锐敏

答案: acuity

29、 线粒体的

答案: mitochondrial

30、 向后靠

答案: recline

31、 除草剂

答案: herbicide

32、 细胞的

答案: cellular

33、 What does the root “morph(o)-” mean?

答案: shape

34、 共聚物

答案: copolymer

35、 排泄,分泌

答案: excrete

36、 甲基化的

答案: methylated

37、 营养素

答案: nutrient

38、 大脑的

答案: cerebral

39、 彻底的变化

答案: metamorphosis

40、 生理学

答案: physiology

41、 Which one does not belong to neurodegeneration?

答案: diarrhea

42、 I had only two options: accommodation and acceptance of deepening disability despite optimal treatment, or increased involved in my own health care. What’s the meaning of “accommodation”?

答案: a settlement or compromise

43、 (    ) a study protocol for the University of Iowa’s Institutional Review Board, I learned about neuromuscular electrical stimulation and wondered if it might help me. 

答案: Reviewing

44、 stun

答案: surprise greatly

45、 As to the word adrenaline, the root “ren-” means

答案: kidney

46、 An introduction of a research paper generally covers the following items except       

答案: references

47、 As to writing an effective introduction, which statement is false?

答案: Write the introduction right away.

48、 Which statement is true?

答案: The author holds the view that it is time we stop blaming our genes and focus on the 70% under the individual’s control. 

49、 Which statement is false?

答案: The author is testing her interventions in others with secondary progressive MS, but the results are despairing. 

50、 Choose the right flow of thoughts in Text A. 

答案: the past me-the disease-the self-experimentation-the present me

Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diaeases Quiz for Unit 3 — Reading

1、 1. The author begins his article with Edmund Burke’s words to _____

答案: call on scientists to take some actions

2、 2. Misled people tend to think that using an animal in research is ____

答案: inhuman and unacceptable 

3、 3. The example of the grandmotherly woman is used to show the publics ______

答案: ignorance about medical science

4、 4. The author believes that, in face of the challenge from animal rights advocates, scientists should _

答案: communicate more with the public

5、 5. From the text we learn that Stephen Cooper is ____

答案: a supporter of animal research

Unit 4 Alternative Medicine Quiz for Unit 4 — vocabulary and text comprehension

1、 rigor

答案: 严谨

2、 neuroanatomic

答案: 神经解剖学的

3、 benefit

答案: 保险金

4、 nausea

答案: 恶心

5、 acupuncture

答案: 针灸

6、 fibromyalgia

答案: 纤维肌痛

7、 modality

答案: 治疗方式

8、 holistic

答案: 整体的

9、 synthesis

答案: 综合

10、 ascertain

答案: 查明

11、 elucidate

答案: 阐明

12、 array

答案: 大批

13、 akin

答案: 类似的

14、 concurrently

答案: 同时地

15、 vomit

答案: 呕吐

16、 rehabilitation

答案: 康复

17、 stringent

答案: 严厉的

18、 carpal

答案: 腕骨的

19、 merger

答案: 合并

20、 shed light on sth.

答案: 阐明

21、 补充的

答案: complementary

22、 胃肠的

答案: gastrointestinal

23、 综合症状

答案: syndrome

24、 过敏性的,易激动的

答案: irritable

25、 定量的

答案: quantitative

26、 哮喘

答案: asthma

27、 本质的,固有的

答案: intrinsic

28、 协调,使…和谐

答案: harmonize

29、 假说,假设

答案: hypothesis

30、 附属的,辅助的

答案: adjunct

31、 草药

答案: herb

32、 痉挛

答案: cramp

33、 骨关节炎

答案: osteoarthritis

34、 止痛

答案: analgesia







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