Principles of Microeconomics(Sichuan University)中国大学MOOC答案100分最新完整版



01 Basic Concepts Test for chapter 1

1、 Microeconomics studies the allocation of

A:decision makers.
B:scarce resources.
D:unlimited resources.
答案: scarce resources.

2、 Most microeconomic models assume that decision makers wish to

A:make themselves as well off as possible.
B:act selfishly.
C:make others as well off as possible.
D:None of the above.
答案: make themselves as well off as possible.

3、 What links the decisions of consumers and firms in a market?

A:the government.
C:coordination officials.
答案: prices.

4、 Economic models are most often tested

A:using computer simulations.
B:using data from the distant past.
C:using data from the real world.
D:using logic alone.
答案: using data from the real world.

5、 Which of the statements below is/are normative?

A:Economists need to include more reality in their models.
B:Economists will use a model until it is refuted by someone.
C:Microeconomists study economic growth.
D:B and C
答案: Microeconomists study economic growth.

6、 According to the Law of Demand, the demand curve for a good will

A:shift leftward when the price of the good increases.
B:shift rightward when the price of the good increases.
C:slope downward.
D:slope upward.
答案: slope downward.

7、 If the price of automobiles were to increase substantially, the demand curve for gasoline would most likely

A:shift leftward.
B:shift rightward.
C:remain unchanged.
D:become steeper.
答案: shift leftward.

8、 The expression “increase in quantity supplied” is illustrated graphically as a

A:leftward shift in the supply curve.
B:rightward shift in the supply curve.
C:movement up along the supply curve.
D:movement down along the supply curve.
答案: movement up along the supply curve.

9、 A market equilibrium occurs

A:only with government regulation.
B:only because of the profit motive of firms.
C:only because of the complacency of consumers.
D:through the interaction of self-interested consumers and producers.
答案: through the interaction of self-interested consumers and producers.

10、 If oranges were found to cure cancer,

A:the equilibrium price of apples would likely fall.
B:the equilibrium price of oranges would likely increase in the near term.
C:the equilibrium quantity of oranges would likely increase.
D:All of the above.
答案: All of the above.

11、 The change in price that results from a leftward shift of the supply curve will be greater if

A:the demand curve is relatively steep than if the demand curve is relatively flat.
B:the demand curve is relatively flat than if the demand curve is relatively steep.
C:the demand curve is horizontal than if the demand curve is vertical.
D:the demand curve is horizontal than if the demand curve is downward sloping.
答案: the demand curve is relatively steep than if the demand curve is relatively flat.

12、 A vertical demand curve for a particular good implies that consumers are

A:sensitive to changes in the price of that good.
B:not sensitive to changes in the price of that good.
D:not interested in that good.
答案: not sensitive to changes in the price of that good.

13、 Suppose the demand function for a good is expressed as Q = 100 – 4p. If the good currently sells for $10, then the price elasticity of demand equals

答案: -0.67.

14、 The price elasticity of supply when the supply curve is Q = 5 is

B:perfectly inelastic.
C:perfectly elastic.
D:Cannot be calculated from the information provided.
答案: perfectly inelastic.

15、 In the late 1980s, the health benefits of oat bran were widely advertised. If the price of oats increased 50%, causing the quantity of oats supplied to increase by 40%, then the price elasticity of supply was

答案: 0.80.

02 Consumer Choice Test for chapter 2

1、 An indifference curve represents bundles of goods that a consumer

A:views as equally desirable.
B:ranks from most preferred to least preferred.
C: refers to any other bundle of goods.
D:All of the above.
答案: views as equally desirable.

2、 If two bundles are on the same indifference curve, then

A:the consumer derives the same level of utility from each.
B: the consumer derives the same level of ordinal utility from each but not the same level of cardinal utility.
C:no comparison can be made between the two bundles since utility cannot really be measured.
D:B and C.
答案: the consumer derives the same level of utility from each.

3、 Joe’s income is $500, the price of food (F) is $2 per unit, and the price of shelter (S) is $100. Which of the following represents his budget constraint?

A:500 = 2F + 100S
B:F = 250 – 50S
C:S = 5 – 0.02F
D:All of the above.
答案: All of the above.

4、 The assumption of completeness means that

A:the consumer can rank all possible consumption bundles.
B:more of a good is always better.
C: the consumers can rank all affordable consumption bundles.
D:all preferences conditions are met.
答案: the consumer can rank all possible consumption bundles.

5、 Utility is the set of numerical values that

A:yields an absolute level of pleasure from a bundle of goods.
B:reflects the relative ranking of various bundles of goods.
C:describes how much more a consumer prefers one bundle to another.
D:yields a cardinal ranking of bundles.
答案: reflects the relative ranking of various bundles of goods.

6、 Joe’s budget constraint equals 500 = 2F + 100S, where $500 is Joe’s income, $2 is the price of food (F) and $100 is the price of shelter (S). How much food can Joe buy if he buys one unit of shelter?

A:2 units
B: 200 units
C: 250 units
D:400 units
答案: 200 units

7、 If both prices decreases by 50%,

A:budget constraint will be unchanged.
B:slope of the budget constraint will increase.
C:slope of the budget constraint will decrease.
D:budget constraint will shift outward in a parallel fashion.
答案: budget constraint will shift outward in a parallel fashion.

8、 The marginal rate of transformation of y for x represents

A:the slope of the budget constraint.
B:the rate at which the consumer must give up y to get one more x.








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