推拉供应链中推动和拉动部分对主要区别在于不确定性的大小A forecast is typically more accurate forThe first step in the collaborative planning, foreca

推拉供应链中推动和拉动部分对主要区别在于不确定性的大小A forecast is typically more accurate forThe first step in the collaborative planning, foreca



推拉供应链中推动和拉动部分对主要区别在于不确定性的大小A forecast is typically more accurate forThe first step in the collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) process is to有产能约束的选址模型属于混合整数规划问题。缓解牛鞭效应的措施有(  )A:错 B:对 答案: 对A:physical units rather than monetary units B:daily rather than monthly periods of time C:far out in the future rather than nearer time periods D:groups of items rather than for individual items 答案: groups of items rather than for individual itemsA:Create a sales forecast B:Establish a collaborative relationship C:Create an order forecast D:Create a joint business plan 答案: Establish a collaborative relationshipA:对 B:错 答案: 对A:建立供应链战略伙伴关系 B:缩短提前期 C:制定合理的价格策略 D:实现信息共享 答案: 建立供应链战略伙伴关系;缩短提前期;制定合理的价格策略;实现信息共享


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