中国大学mooc慕课 Daoism and Eugene ONeills Plays(全英文)(华东理工大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


01 Preface Directions: Choose synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:

1、 The cognitive content should first be based on whether one’s words and deeds conform to the traditional Chinese code of conduct and (the) inherent cultural characteristics of this society.

A:follow by 
B:adhere to
C:comply with
D:adopt to
答案: adhere to;
comply with 

2、 One standard for distinguishing good from bad is to refer to the non-contentious, harmonious nature of water.

A:of persons; not given to controversy
B: incontrovertible
D: disputatious
答案: of persons; not given to controversy;

3、 My initial wish was to i_____(整合)the classical culture of China into the curriculum.
答案: integrate

4、 I thought academic English focused more on cultivating people’s “skills” rather than “m_____(道德)”, which is encouraged by general education.
答案: morality

5、 To build a platform for e__ communication between Chinese and Western cultures. ( fair )
答案: equitable

6、 My educational background and knowledge of Daoism were not so c__.(able to make you believe that something is true or right).
答案: convincing

作业01 Preface Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese-English:

1、 The virtue of water tells us that wisdom is not used to talk in life, not to argue, not a logical game. Compassion is the effort of the mind, not the logic of the brain.
评分规则:  水之德告诫我们智慧在生活中不是用来夸夸其谈的,不是用来争辩的,不是一场逻辑的游戏。慈悲是心灵的功夫,而非大脑的逻辑。

2、 One of the most obvious characteristics of critical thinking is unremitting two-way questioning, which means questioning others as well as oneself. Questioning cultural differences is a high degree of cultural consciousness.
评分规则:  评判性思维最明显的一个特征是不懈质疑,质疑是双向的,既质疑他人,更质疑自己,质疑文化的差异性是一种高度的文化自觉。

3、 It is imperative to apprehend the complex reality in the light of its ancient origin. (Laozi)
评分规则:  能知古始,是谓道纪。

4、 Those who are skilled (in the Tao) do not dispute (about it); the disputatious are not skilled in it. (Laozi)
评分规则:  善者不辨,辩者不善

5、 首先要教会做人,同时又要教会做事,科学思维能保证做事时候思维的正确性,人文思维能保证思维的原创性(杨叔子,2007),这两者是绝对不可分割
评分规则:  A person must first know how to behave before he knows the skills to do things. Scientific thinking can ensure the correctness of thinking when doing things, and humanistic thinking can ensure the originality of thinking (Yang Shuzi, 2007). The two are absolutely inseparable!

作业01 Preface Directions: Find out in 1.1 the English equivalents for the following phrases:

1、 整体性思维
评分规则:   holistic thinking

2、 一个异国词汇
评分规则:  an exotic term

3、 阴阳互补的思维方式
评分规则:  complementary thinking mode of Yin and Yang

4、 全人教育
评分规则:  Whole Person Education

5、 文化自觉
评分规则:  cultural consciousness

02 Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Quiz for 2.1.

1、  It is assumed that Laozi must have lived ___two historical periods in Chinese history known as Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. (time: 2:44)

A:at the junction of
B:in the connection
C:on the adjunction of
答案: at the junction of

2、 These were ______ times, when feudal states were at war with one another and the Zhou Dynasty was in decline. (time: 2:44)

答案: turbulent 

3、 It is not really an issue of which system is better, but to the uninitiated, the examples above from the new system are certainly less misleading than those of the old system.(time :1:20)

A:those who have less special knowledge of sth
B:those who are deficient in relevant experience
C:the learned person
D:the wise men
答案: those who have less special knowledge of sth;
those who are deficient in relevant experience

4、 Diverse concerned thinkers came forth with remedies of all kinds for the troubles of the time. (time:3:09)(忽略单复数,以意思相近为原则)

B:a way of dealing with a problem or difficulty
答案: solutions;
a way of dealing with a problem or difficulty

5、 This is the m____ Records of the Grand Historian written by Si Maqian, China’s greatest historian of the Han Dynasty. ( very important and having a great influence) (time:1:35)
答案: monumental

6、 Laozi spoke of the Way and the Virtue, focusing on _ and not seeking _ for oneself. He _ for a long time while in the Zhou Empire, after witnessing the decline of the empire, he decided to retreat into __, leaving the empire through the Hangu Pass. (modesty, the quality of not making yourself noticeable; of being famous; live in, dwell; alone, solitude. ) (time:3:42)(答案之间用分号间隔,如abc; bcd)
答案: self-effacement ; renown ; resided ; seclusion

7、 Confucius, Zhuangzi and some philosophers in the west have offered an insightful and ______ information for my course. ( relevant ) (time: 7:28)
答案: pertinent

作业02 Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Translations

1、 Li Er worked as caretaker of __(国家图书馆) of the Zhou Dynasty.
评分规则:  the imperial archives

2、 In Laozi’s book, the word “Dao” is used more A. in a metaphysical sense, as B. an inanimate and unseen force or principle than in the concrete (or metaphorical) sense of a pathway. (time: 5:10)
评分规则:  A. 超自然的/形而上学的意义 B. 无生命的和看不见的力量

3、 “Virtue” in Dao De Jing means: 1) Moral excellence according to the standard of the Dao; 2) A kind of nurturing potency stemming from the Dao and inherent of all things.——Brian Bruya(time: 6:49)
评分规则:  《道德经》中的“德”是指:1)以道为本的美德;2)一种源于道、万物固有的滋养力量。

4、 道家思想认为最自然的人是最有“德”的人。这是老子精神境界中的最高理想。
评分规则:  In Daoism, the most natural person is the most virtuous person. This is the highest ideal in the spiritual realm of Laozi.

5、 中国传统哲学对生命精神境界的追求,可以称为古代哲学家对真善美的追求。
评分规则:  The quest for spiritual realm of life in Chinese tradition philosophy can be referred to as ancient philosophers’ quest for the true, the good, and the beautiful.

02 Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Quiz for 2.2.

1、 While following his heart’s dictates, Confucius did not transgress his own _____(commandments). (time:7:34)

答案: precepts

2、 Directions: Choose synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:Zhuangzi’s writings were long, discursive philosophical essays. (time:3:10)

A:tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects
答案: tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects;

3、 Confucius get caught in the music of Shao after three months in the State of Qi. What did he say to show his emotions? (time:6:42)

A:I didn’t expect that music could have moved me into such a state.
C:The best praise is no praise because as soon as there is a praise, slander also arises.
D:I had not anticipated that music could transport me into such a state.
答案: I didn’t expect that music could have moved me into such a state.;
I had not anticipated that music could transport me into such a state.

4、 Confucius viewed goodness is as the highest state of his philosophy while beauty is Zhuangzi’s first priority. (time: 2:41)

答案: 正确

5、 Zhuxi thought Confucius has attained the boundary of an intuited aesthetic realm. (time:5:58)


答案: 正确

6、 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you hear in the video. I will draw on the analysis of Tang Yijie, a very _ _ __ who presents the Chinese principle of _ (he er bu tong) in the times when the _ __ _____.(time:00:37)
答案: influential contemporary Chinese philosopher ;harmony in diversity ;Western-centric perspective is prevailing

7、 After a close examination of the , Mr. Tang designs a which compares the three different systems __the true, the good and the beautiful. (time: 00:57)
答案: different schools of thought and philosophies; diagram ; integrating

8、 This analysis is very _ _____because it allows us to compare these concepts with those of western philosophers : (time:3:23)
答案: insightful and innovative

9、 The good(zhi shan): at seventy– following my heart’s __ ______ the rules (cong xin suo yu er buy u jv).(time:4:21)
答案: dictates without transgressing

10、 At the age of 50 he had come “to know the commands of Heaven” indicates he had acquired the knowledge of “heaven”, which may perhaps be seen to ___the quest for the true.(time:5:43)
答案: fall within the scope of

11、 There are a variety of explanations for “ ___of what others said”. (time:5:58)
答案: discriminate the truth or falsity

12、 In other words, from “truth” he ______to “beauty” and then he finally attains “goodness”.(time:8:21)
答案: proceeds

作业02 Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Exercises for 2.2.

1、 “人能弘道而非“道能弘人”——陈荣捷版本译文(time: 1:33)
评分规则:  Man “can make the Way (tao) great, and not that” the Way can make man great, “

2、 最伟大的散文家
评分规则:  the greatest prose master

3、 为政(time:4:00)
评分规则:  practicing government

4、 子在齐闻韶,三月不知肉味。
评分规则:  When he heard the music of Shao in the kingdom of Qi , Confucius was unable to savor the taste of meat for three months.

作业02 Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Questions and Answers for 2.3.

1、 Make an extract of the main features of wei xue and wei dao.(time:1:55)(根据视频内容回答)
评分规则:  The feature of wei xue is more and plenty is no trouble ( or plague). But the features of wei dao is less (be neither jealous nor greedy/not overdo something and know how far to go and when to stop/to purify the mind and diminish desires.

2、 What is your understanding of the character of Dao based on the description of the wind and rain? (time: 8:04)”A violent wind does not last for a whole morning; A sudden rain does not last for the whole day.”(开放式答题,无标准答案)
评分规则:  open

02 Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Quiz for 2.3.

1、 Directions: Choose the synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:1.Dao basically refers to the origin of the universe that defies the mind and language of man.(time 4:11)

B: denies
答案: disobeys

2、 Abstaining from speech marks him who is obeying the spontaneity of his nature. (time: 8:04)

答案: abiogenesis

3、 This honoring of the Tao and exalting of its operation is not the result of any ordination, but always a spontaneous tribute. (time:8:33)

A: cheer, declaration, feature
B:acclaiming, appointment, present
C:recognizing, point, payment
D:acclaimed, indication, attribute
答案: acclaiming, appointment, present 

4、 He learns what other men do not learn, and turns back to what the multitude of men have passed by.(time:9:00)

答案: mass

5、 The heavens and the earth are not biased and let all things grow naturally. (time:9:37)

答案: tendentious

6、 Sages” are not partial to personal interests and let the people develop themselves. (time:9:37)

答案: impartial

7、 Choose the English equivalence for “为学日益,为道日损。” (Time :00:45)

A:To work on learning is to increase day by day; to work on Tao (the Way, the Truth) is to decrease day by day.
B:If you can hold on to Dao, the world will come to you!
C:Learning consists in adding to one’s stock day by day; The practice of Tao consists in “subtracting day by day.
D:He who devotes himself to learning (seeks) from day to day to increase (his knowledge); He who devotes himself to the Tao (seeks) from day to day to diminish (his doing).
答案: To work on learning is to increase day by day; to work on Tao (the Way, the Truth) is to decrease day by day. ;
Learning consists in adding to one’s stock day by day; The practice of Tao consists in “subtracting day by day.;
He who devotes himself to learning (seeks) from day to day to increase (his knowledge); He who devotes himself to the Tao (seeks) from day to day to diminish (his doing).

8、 Choose the English equivalents for “人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。” (time:5:33)

A:Man models himself on earth, Earth on heaven, Heaven on the way, And the way on that which is naturally so.
B:Man takes his law from the earth; The Earth takes its law from the Heaven; Heaven takes its law from the Tao. The law of the Tao is its being what it is.
C:People follow the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Dao, the Dao follows nature.
D:The ways of men are conditioned by those of earth. The ways of earth, by those of heaven. The ways of heaven by those of Tao, and the ways of Tao by the Self-so.
答案: Man models himself on earth, Earth on heaven, Heaven on the way, And the way on that which is naturally so.;
Man takes his law from the earth; The Earth takes its law from the Heaven; Heaven takes its law from the Tao. The law of the Tao is its being what it is.;
People follow the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Dao, the Dao follows nature.;
The ways of men are conditioned by those of earth. The ways of earth, by those of heaven. The ways of heaven by those of Tao, and the ways of Tao by the Self-so.

9、 Choose the English equivalents for “功成事遂,百姓皆谓:‘我自然’”。(time:7:28)

A:Their work was done and their undertakings were successful, while the people all said, ‘We are as we are, of ourselves!’
B:A ruler should emulate nature, with no desires or selfishness, no contriving or striving, and all will fall in line.
C:That when his task is accomplished, his work done. Throughout the country everyone says: it happened of its own accord.
D:When things are done, he should let people say that all is natural.
答案: Their work was done and their undertakings were successful, while the people all said, ‘We are as we are, of ourselves!’;
That when his task is accomplished, his work done. Throughout the country everyone says: it happened of its own accord. ;
When things are done, he should let people say that all is natural.

10、 Directions: Choose the synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:The information in this chapter can be extracted as follows:(time: 1:55)(忽略时态,只看意思)

B:taken off
C:get an abstract of
D: to get a piece of information from a book, document, computer file
答案: get an abstract of;
 to get a piece of information from a book, document, computer file

11、 The following chart shows very clearly that Laozi calls for a quest after such ideals which would transcend the banal. (time:4:29)

A:pursue something that contains new, original, or unusual
B:surpass the banality
C:stick to the boring, ordinary, and not original
D:go beyond the bromidic
答案: pursue something that contains new, original, or unusual;
surpass the banality;
go beyond the bromidic

12、 In this system, the discussion of the noumenon of the cosmos falls within the scope of the quest for truth. (time:6:09)

D:a thing or event that is known about, even though it cannot be detected by any of the five human senses
答案: thing-in-itself;
a thing or event that is known about, even though it cannot be detected by any of the five human senses

13、 If a man conforms to the laws set by Dao, he will walk with the Dao(tong yu Dao). (time:6:38)

A:comply with
B:meet with
C:reach the necessary stated standard set by Dao
答案: comply with;
meet with;
reach the necessary stated standard set by Dao;

14、 Abstaining from speech marks him who is obeying the spontaneity of his nature. (time: 8:04)

A:restraining from
B:pulling back from
C:giving up
D:stepping back from
答案: restraining from;
pulling back from;
giving up;
stepping back from

15、 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you hear in the video.15.Laozi seems to _ __ __of the Confucians for the true, the good and the beauty. (time :00:32)
答案: have held an attitude of denial regarding the demands

16、 But by this very inactivity _ . Those who of old __ _____of all who live under heaven. (time: 1:21)(答案之间用分号隔开)
答案: everything can be activated; won the adherence

17、 The purpose of being a student of knowledge is _ .(time:2:53)
答案: to increase of positive knowledge while the student of Dao is the elevation of the mind.

18、 The German philosopher Kant distinguished the “phenomenon” which appears to the observer from the “noumenon” – the real thing – _ ____.(time:6:22)
答案: which cannot be apprehended by the senses.

作业02 Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Translations for 2.3.

1、 最高的追求(time: 7:10) (填写视频中出现的译文,时间点为该短语出现的句子时间)
评分规则:  highest pursuit

2、 自然无为(time: 7:12) (要求和说明同第一题)
评分规则:  nature and nonaction

3、 善与美的标准 (time:10:12)(要求和说明同第一题)
评分规则:  the criterion for goodness and beauty

02 Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Quiz for 2.4.

1、 Directions: Choose the synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:Were the mountains to be cleft by thunder, and the great deep to be thrown up by storm, he would not tremble with fear. (time: 3:22)

答案: separated

2、 The common characteristic of these “beauties” is their absolute “spiritual limitlessness, absoluteness and eternity” in the spiritual realm of life.” (time: 2:52)

D:an extremely long time
答案: an extremely long time

3、 He would mount upon the clouds of heaven, and driving the sun and the moon before him, pass beyond the limits of this mundane existence. (time: 3:31)

A:fix in position; tedious
B:prepare for and begin; uninspiring
C:increase; universal
D:climb up; relating to the world and practical matters instead of religious or spiritual ones
答案: climb up; relating to the world and practical matters instead of religious or spiritual ones

4、 Directions: Choose the synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:Rival nations battled constantly for more land and power. As a result, it was also a time of widespread death and destruction. (time:00:21)

A:competitive devalue
B:equal; deconstruction
C:opponent; damage
D:competing with others for the same thing or in the same area; devastation
答案: opponent; damage;
competing with others for the same thing or in the same area; devastation

5、 This is the sequence of Zhuangzi’s highest ideal in spiritual life in which the great beauty encompasses goodness, beauty and truth in which “the beautiful” is paramount. (time: 01:07)

A:a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon;to include different types of things;intense
B:serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern;cover;of great importance
C:to combine things in a particular order;contain;more important than all other t
D:a set of related things that happen or are arranged in a particular order; involve; all-important
答案: serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern;cover;of great importance;
to combine things in a particular order;contain;more important than all other t;
a set of related things that happen or are arranged in a particular order; involve; all-important

6、 The beauty of true virtue follows and resides in the self. (time:5:54)(作答时忽略时态,以意思为主)

B:exist in
C:be endowed with
D:having and owning
答案: exist in;
be endowed with;
having and owning

7、 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you hear in the video.Zhuangzi saw __ and the _(extreme pain or suffering) of despair of people. , Zhuangzi “shifted his line of sight from to the limitlessness of time and space.” (time :00:39) (答案之间用“;”隔开,单词要写全,注意大小写)
答案: social unrest; anguish; As a way out; the earthy world

03 The Value of Laozi’s Philosophy——Taking the Scientific Elements in Taiji Diagram as an Example Qu


1、 Directions: Spell the words or phrases according to the context clue. You can refer to different time axes in the video. Change the form where necessary. Please include the first letters. (答案之间用“;”隔开,分号在英文输入模式下输入。Following the path of materialism of Spinoza, Albert Einstein f a_ t_ (get the method of getting near to something) the theory of general relativity. What’s more, Socratic “nothingness” inspired Steve Jobs to i____ (to include something as part of something larger) philosophy and art into his IT industry. (time: 1:21)
答案: found access to; incorporate

2、 Yin and Yang are mutually c__ (being suitable or right for each other) and make the contradictions u_ (can be brought together). The Taiji Diagram inspired Bohr to establish his principle of c_____ (the state of working usefully together) when he was searching for the secret of the inner structure of atomic particles. (time: 7:31)
答案: compatible; unifiable; complementarity

3、 It is completely i a w (in line with )what Laozi said in the first chapter of Dao De Jing, “The word Nothingness (Wu) may be used to d____ (state that something has a particular character or purpose ) the beginning of Heaven and Earth. (time: 10:01)
答案: in accord with; designate

4、 We can say that Taiji diagram is also a realistic e_____ (something that represents an idea exactly) of Wheeler’s Simplicity/Austerity principle. (time: 11:10)
答案: embodiment

5、 “Existence comes from the v_(a large hole or empty space) and “Opposites c____(to combine well with something, often something that has different qualities) each other” contained in China’s Taiji diagram have been the inspiration of many scientists. (time: 11:39)
答案: void; complement

6、 Directions: Spell the words or phrases according to the context clue. You can refer to different time axes in the video. Change the form where necessary. Please include the first letters. (答案之间用“;”隔开,分号在英文输入模式下输入。)Since the s______ (the subject of one’s study or a particular skill ) of East China University of Science and Technology is to train students of science and technology. (time: 00:55)
答案: specialty

7、 He was curious about the relationship between scientists’ creative thinking and h_ (the idea that people do not need a god or religion to satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs) qualities. Creative thinking ability includes non-logical thinking forms, such as inspiration, intuition and d__(using a variety of premises as based for inference and avoiding common limiting assumptions in making deductions) thinking. (time: 1:16)
答案: humanistic; divergent

8、 Therefore the sage e__ (to accept something enthusiastically) the Oneness (of the universe), making it his testing-instrument for everything under Heaven, which means that people who are i l_ w (in accordance with) Dao will stick to this principle as the p______ (a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something) of world affairs. (time: 10:40)
答案: embraces; in line with; paradigm

9、 Choose the English equivalents for “视之不见,名曰夷;听之不闻,名曰希;搏之不得,名曰微。此三者不可致诘,故混而为一。”(time: 8:02)

A:Looked at, but cannot be seen That is called the Invisible (yi). Listened to, but cannot be heard – That is called the Inaudible (xi). Grasped at, but cannot be touched – That is called the Intangible (wei). These three elude our inquiries And hence blend and become One.
B:We look at it, and we do not see it, and we name it ‘the Equable.’We listen to it, and we do not hear it, and we name it ‘the Inaudible.’We try to grasp it, and do not get hold of it, and we name it ‘the Subtle.’With these three qualities, it cannot be made the subject of description;and hence we blend them together and obtain The One.
C:The skilful masters (of the Tao) in old times, with a subtle and exquisitepenetration, comprehended its mysteries, and were deep (also) so asto elude men’s knowledge.
D:Because the eye gazes but can catch no glimpse of it, It is called elusive.Because the ear listens but can not hear it,It is called the rarefied.Because the hand feels for it but cannot find it,It is called the infinitesimal.There three, because they cannot be further scrutinized,Blend into one.
答案: Looked at, but cannot be seen That is called the Invisible (yi). Listened to, but cannot be heard – That is called the Inaudible (xi). Grasped at, but cannot be touched – That is called the Intangible (wei). These three elude our inquiries And hence blend and become One.;
We look at it, and we do not see it, and we name it ‘the Equable.’We listen to it, and we do not hear it, and we name it ‘the Inaudible.’We try to grasp it, and do not get hold of it, and we name it ‘the Subtle.’With these three qualities, it cannot be made the subject of description;and hence we blend them together and obtain The One.;
Because the eye gazes but can catch no glimpse of it, It is called elusive.Because the ear listens but can not hear it,It is called the rarefied.Because the hand feels for it but cannot find it,It is called the infinitesimal.There three, because they cannot be further scrutinized,Blend into one.

10、 Directions: Spell the words or phrases according to the context clue. You can refer to different time axes in the video. Change the form where necessary. Please include the first letters. (答案之间用“;”隔开,分号在英文输入模式下输入。)In one of my favorite films “Bridge of Spies”, I remembered when the federal agent from CIA asked the Donovan, the counselor d__ (to choose someone officially to do a particular job) by the U.S. department of justice for the spy, Abel from Soviet Union, to inform him of everything what Abel had told him. And obviously this is against attorney-client p_____ (the special right that some people in authority have that allows them to do or say things that other people are not allowed to). He said there is no rules for the sake of security of America. (time: 00:37)
答案: designated; privilege

11、 By taking three well-known principles in physics, “the principle of complementarity “, “dissipative structure theory” and “Wheeler’s principle of a__” (plain and ordinary), the paper explores the c____ (the fact of being able to exist, live, with something else) between these three modern physical principles and Daoist philosophy. (time: 2:07)
答案: austerity; compatibility

12、 Following this small book and the c_____ (signs or some information that helps you to find the answer to a problem) mentioned in it, I have found more interesting stories between Bohr, Wheeler and Taiji Diagram. (time: 4:10)
答案: clues

13、 Einstein initially thought “how c_(opposite) quantum theory is!” while Bohr firmly believes that “there is no contradiction.”(time: 4:52)
答案: contradictory

14、 In recent hundreds of years, it is difficult to find any other p__(a situation or decision that has already happened and can be used as a reason why a similar action or decision should be performed or made) comparable to this controversy in which p___(very great) issues are involved. (time: 5:25)
答案: precedent; profound

15、 Chen Rongjie comments that “S_ (the quality of being subtle) is an important characteristic of Tao and is more important than its m____.” (evidence that something exists or is present) (time: 9:23)
答案: Subtlety; manifestations

04 Brief Introduction to Laozi’s Thought—The Transcendency of Dao Quiz for 4.2.

1、 Directions: Spell the words or phrases according to the context clue. You can refer to different time axes in the video. Change the form where necessary. Please include the first letters. (多个答案的答案之间用“;”隔开,分号在英文输入模式下输入。)A_ (take on) different shapes viewed from far and wide. Of Mountain Lu we cannot m__ o___ (identify, comprehend) the true face. (time:00:55)
答案: Assuming; make out

2、 One can see different mountain colors and i_____ (impressive to look at; making a strong impression) manners. (time: 1:35)
答案: imposing

3、 He thinks the knowledge of truth is difficult, since perception through the senses is s_____ (based on your own ideas or opinions rather than facts and therefore sometimes unfair). (time: 2:28)
答案: subjective

4、 Democritus makes it clear that the road to “truth” is not feasible with s____ (involving or derived from the senses) judgment. (time: 2:46)
答案: sensory

5、 Legitimate knowledge always gets away from the false p__ (the ability to understand the true nature of sth.) of “bastard” knowledge and grasp the truth through inductive r___ (the ability of a healthy mind to think and make judgments, especially based on practical facts).(time: 3:55)
答案: perception; reasoning

6、 In order to gain legitimate knowledge, one can examine the causes of appearances, draw conclusions about the laws that govern appearances and discover the c_____(the principle that there is a cause for everything that happens)by which they are related after taking the sense-impressions into account.    (time: 4:12)
答案: causality

7、 If the senses i_ (block sth. out) the pursuit of easterners in following the example of the gentleman, saint, Buddha, then the senses will h__(obstruct) westerners from making their way to Socrates. (time: 8:05)
答案: impede; hinder

8、 Directions: Watch the video and fill in the blanks with the missing words.It is not uncommon that people tend to make judgements based on their sensory experience, but that is exactly or the truth. (time: 9:20)
答案: the obstacle that hinders people from staying with the Dao







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