知到智慧树 Introduction to Psychology趣味心理学 答案满分完整版章节测试


对应章节 第一章


1 The idea that human behavior is governed by a physical component and a non physical (ie, spiritual) component is referred to as ____________


A dualism

B materialism

C empiricism

D rationalism




2 What does Luigi Galvani’s research with applied electrical currents suggest?


A Human behaviour is a combination of mechanical and spiritual components

B Human behaviour is caused by electrochemical processes

C The brain is divided into areas for specific tasks

D The brain is not divided into areas for specific tasks





3 Who is credited with the development of Cartesian Dualism?


A John Locke

B James Mills

C Luigi Galvani

D Rene Descartes





4 What philosophical view of human behavior is best supported by the work of Paul Broca?


A Materialism

B Dualism

C Empiricism

D Existentialism





5 According to materialism, what is the cause of human behaviour?


A Spiritual induction

B Physical mechanisms

C Internal motivations

D Emotional states





6 Determining whether something is true or false by observing it through experimentation is called _____________


A naturalism

B philosophy

C inference

D empiricism





7 What was William James main contribution to the field of Psychology?


A Conducting the first laboratory based research experiments

B Generating and publishing ideas about psychological topics

C Measuring the speed of neural transmission rate

D Training observers how to perform introspection





8 Who is recognized as being the first psychologist?


A Ernst Weber

B Sigmund Freud

C Wilhelm Wundt

D Hermann Von Helmholtz




9 Introspection is a technique wherein a person reflects upon and reports their personal experience Early scientists criticized this technique because it was ____________


A Indirect and objective

B Direct and subjective

C Direct and objective

D Indirect and subjective




10 According to Freud, psychological problems arise from conflict between the __________ and the ________


A Id; Ego

B Super-ego; Ego

C Super-ego; Id

D Conscious; Subconscious





11  According to Freud, what is the part of our psyche that is instinctually driven by our basic needs, wants and desires?


A Id

B Super-ego

C Ego

D Conscience





12 According to Freud, what is the part of the psyche that attempts to balance immediate gratification and societal norms?


A Super-ego

B Ego

C Id

D Preconscious




13 What is the best way to describe Freuds approach to psychology?


A Medical

B Scientific

C Empirical

D Epistemological




14 According to Freud, what is the part of our psyche that is most interested in maintaining societal norms and decency?


A Id

B Ego

C Super-ego

D Personality




对应章节 第二章


1 What is the branch of psychology called where researchers study how groups work together and people interact with each other?


A Individual Psychology

B Social Psychology

C Humanistic Psychology

D Cross-cultural Psychology





2 Which part of the scientific process is observational research best suited for?


A Generating answers

B Generating questions

C Establishing theories

D Refuting theories





3 If the amount of time a student spent studying was positively correlated with grades achieved, what would we expect to see if someone had low grades?


A The student did not spend a lot of time studying

B The student spent a lot of time studying

C A strong negative correlation

D There is not enough information to determine correlation




4 A positive ables means that as _______


A one variable increases, the other variable increases

B one variable increases, the other variable decreases

C one variable decreases, the other variable stays the same

D one variable decreases, the other variable increases





5 A scatter plot that shows a trend line that travels down to the right would demonstrate what type of correlation?


A weak correlation

B positive correlation

C negative correlation

D no correlation





6 What does SR stand for in behavioral psychology?


A Stimulus Response

B Secondary Reaction

C Selective Response

D Stimulation Reaction




7 What did the Little Albert Experiment tell us about the relation between stimuli and responses?


A Responses to stimuli cannot be conditioned

B Responses to stimuli can be conditioned

C Conditioned responses can be eliminated

D Conditioned responses cannot be eliminated





8 Why does cognitive psychology consider the computer to be good analogy of the human brain?


A It records information as binary code

B It stores vast quantities of information

C Its operations cannot be seen

D It processes input and generates output





9 What practice makes psychology a science rather than just a collection of ideas and arguments?


A Formal debates

B Publishing journal articles

C Experimentation

D Public funding


正确答案: C


对应章节 第三章


1 A t-test is a ratio of ___________ to ___________


A expected values; observed values

B between-group differences; within-group differences

C success; failure

D highest scores; lowest scores





2 A t-test is an example of __________ statistics


A descriptive

B inferential

C scientific

D conclusive





3 The upper curves of the brain are called ______________, while the deep grooves are called ________________


A fissures, gyri

B gyri, grey matter

C gyri, fissures

D white matter, fissures





4 What is the order of neuron structures from receiving information, processing information and sending information?


A dendrites, cell body, axon

B axon terminal, cell body, dendrites

C terminal buttons, dendrites, cell body

D synaptic cleft, cell body, dendrites




5 Why does the surface of the brain contain folds?


A They look stylish

B Pressure from cerebral fluids

C To match the grooves on the inside of the skull

D They allow for more brain tissue to fit in the skull





6 Constricting pupils, stimulated digestive and salivation activity and constricting lungs are due to the activation of the _________________ system


A sympathetic

B parasympathetic

C central nervous

D somatic




7 The peripheral nervous system links the brain to the _________


A spinal cord

B central nervous system

C body

D skeletal system





8 Why is the brainstem considered to be a reptilian system?


A It is present in all reptiles

B It is shaped like a snake

C It is attached to the brain stem

D It is a primitive brain structure





9 Damage to which structure of the brain would result in deficits in motor learning and the production of uncoordinated movements?


A Cerebellum

B Medulla

C Pons

D Amygdala




对应章节 第四章


1 What impairment would you expect to see in an individual with damage to their primary visual cortex?


A Color blindness

B Black spots in their field of vision

C Inattentional blindness

D Problems with depth perception





2 What is the process called in which the brain organizes and interprets visual information?


A Sensation

B Proprioception

C Perception

D Visual organization





3 Seeing a small, red, shiny object is known as ______________, whereas knowing this object is an apple is known as _____________


A sensation; perception

B perception; sensation

C proprioception; sensation

D perception; proprioception





4 An individual who is unable to understand speech would most likely have damage to which area in the temporal lobe?


A Brocas

B Somatosensory cortex

C Cerebellum

D Wernickes





5 What is the primary role of the temporal lobe?


A Auditory processing

B Visual processing

C Postural balance

D Motor functioning





6 What is the term that refers to knowledge of where a persons body parts are located in space?


A Localization

B Proprioception

C Nociception

D Psorioception





7 Why is more cortical tissue in the somatosensory cortex devoted to the lips than to the elbows?


A Lips are larger than the elbow

B We use our lips more than we use our elbows

C Lips require more sensory input

D Elbows require more sensory input





8 What is the term used to describe the inability to switch strategies following damage to the frontal lobes?


A Perseveration errors

B Disruptive behavioral strategies

C Noncommittal phobia

D Obsessive determination





9 What is the primary role of the frontal lobes?


A Memory storage and retrieval

B Complex cognitive functions

C Auditory processing

D Motor input









知到智慧树 Introduction to Psychology趣味心理学 答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

知到智慧树 Introduction to Psychology趣味心理学 答案满分完整版章节测试第2张





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